Grosse Pointe mom uses N-word after thanking school board over diversity and inclusion

The White mother of a biracial Grosse Pointe student sparked outrage after using the n-word in a school board meeting. The woman had expressed her concerns about her son's suspension with a rant about it during the school board meeting on January 24. The woman was upset and seemed to associate the district’s diversity, equity and inclusion efforts with him being disciplined for using the n-word in a social media post and in a video.
Her language has been criticized by the board and other parents who have made it clear that such behavior will not be condoned.
Dr Jon Dean, a member of the board and Grosse Pointe Schools superintendent stated that he was shocked after the incident and was not expecting anything like that to happen. "Frankly I was shocked. I actually paused for a second and had one of those moments where I’m like, ‘Did I just hear that?’" Dr Dean said in an interview with Fox 2. "That is certainly not appropriate language to use. It is racist, inappropriate language," Dean also added.
Its been reported that her comments came right after she thanked the districts efforts on diversity and inclusion. Members at the meeting also pointed out how she is married to a Black man and has biracial kids. She says her family was threatened. "My address was put out there, we were threatened and why because he said n*****," she said at the meeting. "This happens to be in every song, the FCC, the John Conners, the who’s who that’s in charge of *bleep* basically are allowing this and our kids ...", the woman said in her now very infamous comments.
The woman who used the n-word in the meeting blamed her son’s use of it on his aunt and hip-hop music.
"His chocolate, dark chocolate auntie got him into 'Straight Outta Compton,' okay? So my boy got Straight Outta Compton, he’s into all the old school hip-hop," she also said.
The Grosse Point board has spoken up about the matter and addressed a letter to all members of the committee where they have stated that anyone using inappropriate or offensive language during meetings shall be barred from the meetings henceforth.