Designer Milton Glaser dies at 91, fans call DC bullet logo 'the best' and wonder why it isn't used anymore

Legendary graphic designer Milton Glaser died on Friday, June 26, 2020, on his 91st birthday in Manhattan, New York. Glaser was deemed an icon for many reasons most of which attribute to the timeless designs he created. The designer was the bright mind behind the 1967 poster of singer Bob Dylan with his psychedelic hair, the 'I ♥ NY' logo, and the fan-favorite 1976 DC Comics bullet logo among many others.
Fans took to Twitter to pay condolences to the man responsible for, as The New York Times aptly put, the "American visual culture in the 1960s and ’70s". The publication further reported that the cause of Glaser's death was a stroke, according to his wife Shirley who also said he suffered renal failure. "Milton Glaser was a hero to thousands of designers around the world for decades. R.I.P. to a legend," tweeted a fan with one of Glaser's quotes being tweeted and re-tweeted countless times. "'We are all born with genius. It's like our fairy godmother. But what happens in life is that we stop listening to our inner voices, and we no longer have access to this extraordinary ability to create poetry.' — Milton Glaser RIP #MiltonGlaser Legendary Graphic Designer," read the tweet, re-iterating the quote paying tribute to Glaser who was responsible for over 400 posters throughout his career.

"RIP Milton Glaser. Time and again, you accomplished stunning feats of design. The questions you pondered as you worked took what could have been crass and turned it into something that helped us understand ourselves. My personal favorite: the 1976 DC Comics bullet logo," tweeted a fan, matching the sentiments of many others. "RIP Milton Glaser, who among many other things, designed the only good DC Comics logo and I will never ever ever understand why they ever stopped using it," tweeted another.

Fans brought up great memories of Glaser's work, especially the DC logo and the Dylan poster which were simple, yet an art form that caught the eye of many due to its ability to make a statement. The New York Times said that the "image became one of the visual signatures of the era". The man was also behind the 'I ♥ NY' logo in 1977, which was to "promote tourism" in the state, making is a recognizable logo for the city that never sleeps. The publication also reported that after the devastating attacks on the Twin Towers on September 11, 2001, Glaser had added to his logo which then read, 'I ♥ NY More Than Ever', and showcased a "dark bruise" on the iconic red heart in solidarity for those lost in the terror attack.
In 2004, Glaser was the recipient of the 'Lifetime Achievement Award' from the Cooper Hewitt Smithsonian Design Museum, and in 2009, he was the first graphic designer to receive the National Medal of Arts presented by former president Barack Obama. Glaser also co-founded the graphic design firm 'Push Pin Studios' in 1954 with Seymour Chwast, and 20 years later founded his own firm. Many will miss the groundbreaking graphic designer and his ability to turn anything into art, which has made a mark on many hearts.