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'Messiah' Episode 5 sees the Messiah gaining new followers in Texas as his old followers leave

The Messiah's followers in the Middle East grow disillusioned while he starts to lead a new set in America to an unknown destiny.
All episodes of Season 1 of 'Messiah' are now streaming on Netflix. (Netflix)
All episodes of Season 1 of 'Messiah' are now streaming on Netflix. (Netflix)

When the trailer for 'Messiah' released, one of the first things certain viewers observed was that the titular Messiah would, in fact, be Al-Massih al-Dajjal, or in other words, the false Messiah. And so, most viewers would certainly be watching with that in mind though some might suspend their disbelief at a certain point.

The fifth episode of 'Messiah' begins to plant the seeds of this, however. While the Palestinian Syrians waiting at the border of Israel start to question whether the Messiah is who he says he is, the people of the United States flock to Dilley, Texas, in order to see him and be blessed by him.

Felix Iguero is among them, waiting for the Messiah to meet people and perhaps say what comes next. However, when the Messiah says he does not know what is to come, Feliz gets disillusioned ⁠— but not as much as the men, women, and children at the Israel border when one of them dies mid-prayer.

FBI agent Will Mathers lets CIA agent Eva Geller lets her know that he recorded her conversation with the Messiah. But he also reveals that the Messiah spoke the exact same words written by a man named Oscar Wallace who wanted to stoke confusion and fear in people to make them question their beliefs.

Meanwhile, Aviram Dahan, in the midst of his suspension, makes his way to Texas to kill the Messiah. But when he actually comes face to face with him, he backs out, something transpiring in the look the two men share.

It is later, however, that it is clear that this man is not here to save people. When a boy asks him to save his dog, the Messiah shoots him instead. This doesn't detest his new followers in Texas, however, as his old followers in the Middle East make their way to Jordan.

Later, the Messiah tells Felix's daughter that he was in Texas for her. Rebecca had earlier told Eva that she knew what was to come and perhaps she has visions. This is transposed with scenes of Jibril. Though he is fighting for his life, he chooses to remain at the Israel border still keeping faith in the man. The Messiah, at this point, must have all but forgotten him. As Jibril ⁠— dying ⁠— waits for him, the Messiah chooses Rebecca for some unknown reason.

It may not be long before it is revealed that the Messiah is Dajjal ⁠— or perhaps, neither.

All episodes of Season 1 of 'Messiah' are now streaming on Netflix.