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Meri Brown reveals the cruelest betrayal of Kody on 'Sister Wives'— a gift he got for Robyn

During Season 19, Kody told Meri she would never find a boyfriend unless she got rid of her friends, even referring to them as “b*tches.”
Screenshot of Meri Brown and Kody Brown from the show 'Sister Wives.' (Cover Image Source: YouTube | Photo By @TLC | @@EntertainmentTonight)
Screenshot of Meri Brown and Kody Brown from the show 'Sister Wives.' (Cover Image Source: YouTube | Photo By @TLC | @@EntertainmentTonight)

Long-time ‘Sister Wives’ viewers aren’t easily shocked when it comes to Kody Brown’s treatment of Meri Brown. Since the show’s debut, fans have witnessed him sideline Meri, belittle her, and make it clear she was no longer a priority in his life. However, Meri’s recent revelation has left even the most seasoned viewers stunned. In a new video, Meri opened up about one of the most heart-wrenching moments in her relationship with Kody. During Season 19, Kody told Meri she would never find a boyfriend unless she got rid of her friends, even referring to them as “b*tches.” But the most shocking confession came during an Instagram Live chat with her best friend, Jenn Sullivan, as reported by TVShowsAce.

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Meri shared that she and Kody once visited a Vegas art store where she admired a painting she loved. To her shock, Kody later revealed he had already purchased the painting—not for her, but for Robyn. He then callously told Meri she could go to Robyn’s house to look at it if she wanted. But this isn’t the only bombshell Meri has dropped. In a separate confession, she detailed one of the most painful conversations she ever had with Kody. Right after the family moved to Las Vegas in 2011, Kody told her, “You have been really horrible to me for 20 years. So you're going to have to wait at least that long for me to fix my relationship with you.”


This gut-wrenching statement made it clear Kody had no intention of repairing their marriage. During a confessional, Meri admitted she now understands why people were agitated that she stayed with Kody for so long. She remarked, “...I got the message that he was giving. I was chalking it up to, you know, the fact that he was trying to figure things out. A lot of times really nasty things spew out of his mouth when he doesn't mean them. Also, I know I wasn't the easiest to live with. I get that,” as reported by E! News.


Meanwhile, Kody has his own versions of events. In his confessional, he admitted, “I wasn't saying that because I was mad at the time. I was saying it because I was mad enough to tell the truth. Looking back on the marriage, I was like, ‘We should have divorced here, we should have divorced here, we should have divorced here.’ But I didn't believe in divorce.” Adding to the drama, Meri was disgusted when Kody shared an intimate detail about their past. He claimed that after they legally divorced in 2014—so he could marry Robyn and adopt her children—he and Meri had one last night together.


He remarked, "Meri and I, after that divorce, left Robyn and went to dinner together. I gave her a special ring and we probably went home and made love." Meri, however, was appalled, calling his disclosure ‘kind of disgusting.’ She asserted, "I think it's kind of disgusting that he would bring up a potentially intimate moment with somebody that he's divorced from. I can guaran-damn-tee you that he would never talk about those moments in this setting with his wife." Looking back, Meri now sees the legal divorce as Kody’s “escape plan.” She further added, "I think the escape plan was that legal divorce. Let's be real, that was his escape plan."