Meghan Markle 'stole' Harry JUST like Wallis Simpson stole Edward VIII: Royal correspondent

A former royal correspondent, Richard Mineards, has compared Meghan Markle with the wife of King Edward VIII, the late Wallis Simpson. Mineards gave an interview to the Evening Standard and said, “As people get to know them, I think they’ll appreciate having them here. I don’t think they’ll move back to the UK at all. The British people see Meghan as the Wallis Simpson stealing the golden prince.”
He added: “They are much more welcome on this side of the Atlantic.” The Sussexes stepped down from the senior royal duties in 2020 and decided to live an independent life outside the UK. Harry and Meghan are now living in their Montecito mansion in Santa Barbara with their two children, Archie Harrison and Lilibet.
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Like Meghan, Simpson was also a divorcee from the US and her romance with Edward created a huge scandal in the UK at that time. Even the pair’s engagement was disregarded by the Church of England and ultimately, they had to tie the knot at the Chateau de Cande in France in June 1937 without the presence of any royal members. The couple was given the title of the Duke and Duchess of Windsor.

It has been said that Simpson had always been accused of causing the downfall of her husband. Author Anna Pasternak writes in her book ‘The American Duchess: The Real Wallis Simpson’ that she was “a convenient scapegoat and took the rap for the abdication”. Pasternak adds: “As far as he was concerned, he could not live without her and could not see that she might not be able to live with the consequences of his single-mindedness. Being blamed in perpetuity for stealing a beloved, popular king from his throne and almost destroying the British monarchy would prove to be a lifelong annihilating burden that Wallis was forced to bear.”
As per reports, after signing the abdication papers on December 10, 1936, Edward announced via radio broadcast, “I have found it impossible to carry the heavy burden of responsibility and to discharge my duties as king as I would wish to do without the help and support of the woman I love.”

However, this was not the first time Meghan and Simpson have been compared. A book, named ‘Prince Philip revealed: A Man of His Century’ written by Ingrid Seward had earlier revealed that the husband of the Queen sees the former actress “as destructive and divisive a force as Wallis”. Seward said, “For Philip, whose entire existence has been based on a devotion to duty, it appeared that his grandson had abdicated his role for the sake of his marriage to an American divorcee in much the same way as Edward VIII gave up his crown to marry Wallis Simpson in 1936.”

The author added: “Philip’s way is that he says his bit and then steps back from the situation because he doesn't like to interfere. Philip has always been very protective of the Queen, so if anyone upsets her, they upset him too. His mantra is: the monarchy comes first, second and third.”