Matthew Miller: Alabama pedophile, 32, gets 600 years in jail for forcing 2 kids under 5 into child pornography

TUSCALOOSA, ALABAMA: An Alabama man, Matthew Miller, was sentenced to 600 years behind bars by a federal judge on Thursday after he was prosecuted for sexually exploiting two young children. Miller was charged in a 20-count indictment.
As far as crimes go, pedophilia ranks high on the list. In the case of pedophile Matthew Miller, 32, abundant jail time was handed down to him as a sentence. Miller, prosecutors revealed, according to reports, had forced young children -- as young as four years of age -- into sex acts and child pornography. The prosecutors said that the criminal "robbed children of their childhood" and Miller was sentenced in Alabama to 600 years behind bars. He won't ever see the outside of a prison cell.
Miller was specifically accused of the horrific act of forcing two children under the age of five, to engage in child porn, as revealed by a statement released by the Department of Justice. FBI Child Exploitation and Human Trafficking Task Force and Tuscaloosa County Sheriff’s Office Violent Crime Unit investigated the case, while Assistant U.S. Attorney R. Leann White prosecuted the case.
Upon investigation, law enforcement officials, during the execution of a search warrant on Miller's electronic devices, were able to discover 102 images of pornographic nature that he had made of the children. This information was revealed by the US Attorney's Office of the Northern District of Alabama in a statement. The Department of Justice further revealed that Miller faced 20 counts that were detailed thoroughly in an indictment. A news release by the Department of Justice stated that Miller was indicted for "enticing two children under the age of 5 to engage in sexual explicit conduct for the purpose of producing a visual production of such conduct." The pedophile had earlier pled guilty to the child porn images in October of last year.
This Thursday, Miller was sentenced to 600 years in prison, which is a total of 7,200 months. His sentence was passed down by Chief US District Judge L. Scott Coogler. FBI Special Agent in Charge Johnnie Sharp said in a statement, “The crimes for which Miller has admitted guilt are not only disturbing, they are sickening, and his actions robbed these children of their childhood." He further added, "I am proud of the work of the FBI on this case, and I applaud the sentence handed down today, as Miller will spend the rest of his natural life behind prison bars.”
U.S. Attorney Prim F. Escalona also said, “Child predators seek out and victimize those that are the most innocent and vulnerable - children. The sentences imposed today and yesterday in local child exploitation cases reflect the commitment of law enforcement in this district to prosecuting to the fullest extent of the law those who commit crimes against children.”
Types of punishments for criminals that abuse children have been debated a while now -- from life in prison to death. In fact, Alabama is one of the listed states where capital punishment is legal.