Who is Matt Baker? Dreadlocked protester's anti-vaxx rant at San Diego county meet goes viral

A White dreadlocked anti-vaxxer made waves across the internet as he launched a diatribe against supervisors at a local government meeting in California.
The man, who identified himself as Matt Baker joined a group of anti-vaccine campaigners to oppose vaccine mandates proposed by San Diego officials to tackle the spread of Covid-19. Representatives from several groups including ReOpen San Diego, Let Them Breathe, and San Diego Rise Up protested vaccine requirements in public spaces and offices, Mediaite reported.
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Baker, who was reportedly also spotted at a Proud Boys protest earlier this year, stepped up to the microphone at the local vaccine meeting and began whistling as he called upon "the wind of time." In a rant that has since gone viral, he began by saying, "That's the wind. That's the wind of time. That's the wind of history. That's the wind blowing through your ancestors' bones begging you to do the right thing. That is the wind that Matt Baker is calling upon from Ocean Beach. The wind that is blowing through the Black people, through the white people, through the Chinese people, through the Mexican Americans to the people that built this building with their bare hands to raise up this nation."
Matt Baker.
— SDAgainstFash (@SDAgainstFash) August 18, 2021
Also present at the Proud Boys rally that took place in LA last Saturday. pic.twitter.com/96WvX8l6pi
"You are about to open a pit of hell. You do not get a vaccine passport put on us," Baker continued with increasing intensity. "You know as the population who's in control, you know as politicians — once you get power, you never relinquish it." He then accused the San Diego Board of Supervisors of being Nazis. "Your children and your children's children will be subjugated!" Baker shouted. "They will be asked, 'How many vaccines have you had? Have you been a good little Nazi? Heil Fauci! Heil Fauci! Heil Fauci!'"
The anti-vaxxer subsequently waved a copy of the Nuremberg Code and insinuated that the board was violating international law by enforcing vaccine mandates. It's worth noting that Anthony Fauci, the director of the US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, has drawn conservative ire since the beginning of the pandemic over his support for mask mandates, social distancing, lockdowns, and mass inoculation programs to beat the pandemic.
That said, several other residents joined in Baker's anger as they addressed the board. Consuelo Henken, one of the campaigners, addressed the supervisors arguing, "This is not a war on covid, this a war on the people" and alleged that "fear is the real virus here." A major chunk of the activists' testimonies was directed at Nathan Fletcher, the chair of the San Diego County Board of Supervisors.
Anti-vaccine campaigner Amy Reichert addressed him directly at the meeting. “I actually work for a big corporation, and my CEO has a message for you, he’s not going to do it. Go pound sand, Nathan Fletcher," she said to riotous applause from the crowd. Fletcher tweeted his response following the event. “We just wrapped up our board of supervisors meeting for today. You can get your medical advice from this guy…or your doctor," he wrote on Twitter, sharing a clip of Baker's rant at the meeting.
We just wrapped up our board of supervisors meeting for today.
— Nathan Fletcher (@nathanfletcher) August 18, 2021
You can get your medical advice from this guy…or your doctor. #VaccinesWork https://t.co/259Fuj5kKo
At least 51 percent of U.S. residents over the age of 12 have been fully vaccinated. Meanwhile, over 623,000 U.S. residents and 4 million worldwide have died due to complications from the virus, according to data compiled by Johns Hopkins University.