'Married At First Sight': Katie attacks Derek's masculinity and fans think she 'wants more of a caveman type'

Derek Sherman and Katie Conrad's relationship on 'Married At First Sight' has been hanging by a thread. Even though the couple started off a fantastic note — surprise dates, romantic gestures, cooking meals together and such — but with time, the charm faded and the problems showed up.
The couple had their first argument when Katie revealed that he was still hung up on her ex while Derek said he still wasn't in love with her. This tension continued for a while until he communicated his goals in life to her.
Derek wants to build treehouses and write a Christmas jingle, but Katie thinks to have such dreams would only eat into his family time.
The final nail on the coffin was when the two were at an undisclosed location with the rest of the couples of the show hoping to unwind a little before decision day hits them.
Derek was joking and being friendly with Taylor Dunklin and that bothered Katie, who left the room and later even yelled at Derek for showing his fun side to someone who is not even his wife.
The pair try to sort it out the next morning as they explore the area surrounding the resort only to find out that they are not on the same page as before. Derek said he would do anything to make their marriage work, while Katie said: "Can't promise that. I promise to make sure we are happy — whether it's together or apart."
To make matters worse, she made it clear to her father, Dante, over a casual meal that there are chances she wouldn't want to stay married to Derek because he is a "baby-faced boy."
Meanwhile, fans are wondering if Katie is the kind of woman who would like a "caveman" personality over someone like Derek.
"Yes. But it seems like Katie wants more of a caveman type. The borderline, or outright abusive man, who'll call her a b***h and ignore her and make her wonder about his feelings for her. The get me a beer and hurry the F up with dinner type. And then complain about said dinner. And that is NOT healthy," a viewer expressed.
Another shared: "I did notice Katie calling Derek a baby repeatedly on the last episode (for what? having a personality?), but I think she's picking on him for whatever reason and taking the low road of attacking his masculinity, without really thinking about her reasons behind doing so."
"However it is abusive and harmful. On multiple seasons you’ve had women scolding their partners for not being 'manly' enough. Generally, to them manliness means being more forceful, less emotional, more confident," a viewer expressed.
"Katie is totally into the stereotype of what masculinity is: a beer can crushing caveman who throws her over his shoulder when he wants sex, is hardly attentive to her needs, smacks her a** frequently, demands nudes (that the most likely passes around to his friends) very few hobbies outside of having sex with her and meeting up with the boys to split logs, shirtless, demands she cook and clean while he remains perfect eye candy that her friends can drool over," a user posted on Reddit.
Catch the 'Married At First Sight' season finale on Lifetime on Wednesday.