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'60 Days In' Season 6 Episode 13: Mark leaves the show citing health issues, fans think he is 'full of sh*t'

Episode 13 saw Mark exiting the show because his neck and back were killing him but when he steps out of prison, he sprints towards the production car leaving even producers surprised
UPDATED MAR 27, 2020
Mark (A&E)
Mark (A&E)

Tonight's episode saw Mark being pulled out of his pod at the Etowah County Jail after he sends out an emergency signal on camera to the producers. He tells them that when he came in he was prepared for everything but the last couple days have not been great for him health-wise.

He states that his neck and back are in a very bad state and his head has been spinning constantly for a couple of days. He mentions that it feels like his car accident all over again and his body is unable to handle it.

On being asked if this is more of a psychological block or physical, he tells them that the pain he feels now is more severe than anything he has ever had to deal with. On a scale of 1 to 10, he rates his pain level at 15 and thinks that there might be a need for him to get to the hospital if his health deteriorates further.

The producers then ask him if he wants to leave the show and he agrees. Even though he feels "awful" and like a "piece of s**t", he has to leave. Mark is aware that people might think he is giving excuses but at this point, he doesn't really care as it's not "physically possible" for him to stay.  

The producers ask him if they should make preps to take him to the hospital and he tells them that he will let them know soon. The next day, arrangements are made for him to get out of the show and when he gets out of the prison, he comes to the production car that is parked across the road, sprinting.

This surprised the producers who low-key shaded him with the questions: "How does it feel getting out? How did it feel running?" to which he told them that it hurts but not to enough to go to the hospital. He adds that his "body is done and there's nothing he can do about it."

Fans of the show seem to be really annoyed with Mark for pulling out of the show so early. 

One of the fans agreed with Mark when he called himself s**t and tweeted, "Mark is full of s**t. Using his neck/back as an excuse. But had enough strength in his back to run across the street. Dude, WTF? #60DaysIn."

Another fan called him out for being a quitter: "Ahhhaha Mark is a quitter. He's a fraud. Tony called him out and said he wouldn’t last and he proved him right  #60DaysIn."

Like the producers, another fan too pointed at Mark for running on the street right after getting out, "Mark had was a 15 on the pain scale of 1-10 but as soon as he gets out he bolts to the car... come on bro #60daysin."

Do you buy Mark's story or feel like he made up excuses to get out of the show? Let us know in the comments. '60 Days In' airs on Thursday nights on A&E.