'The Busch Family Brewed': Gussie feels Marissa chose Billy for family money, she says she's no 'gold digger'

Billy Busch is ready to move in with his girlfriend of one year, Marissa Morgan, and he arrives in Dallas to hunt for apartments. He is accompanied by brother Gussie and friend Jake whom he calls as his wingmen. At the hotel, Billy is not happy as his family never approves of any girls that he and Gussie have dated.
We also see Haley move to LA along with her mom Christi who is there to help her set up her apartment. They talk about Billy and Marissa's relationship and Haley sides with the latter. Haley asks her mom why she feels okay with her moving to LA while she finds it problematic that Billy Jr is moving to Dallas. Christi is quick to reply that she's happy for her because she's starting a new life in LA and that's where she needs to be to working towards her career whereas she knows that Billy doesn't like Dallas and has no reason to be there. "Except Marissa," quips Haley who feels its not a big deal that Billy wants to move in with Marissa and even if her brother is making a mistake, he will learn from it and he should be allowed to do that for himself.
Back in Dallas, Billy and Marissa seem to have found the apartment of their dreams and they love the house to a point that they're ready to move in. Their happiness is interrupted for a while when Billy tells Marissa that it'd be in their best interest if both of them can split the rent 50-50. This upsets Marissa but Billy explains to her that the only reason this conversation is taking place is that these are the things his family is cautious about.
He doesn't want people to perceive Marissa as a free rider and doesn't want himself to be perceived as someone who can be taken advantage of. A disappointed Marissa tells him that she's not a gold digger and that boyfriends buy gifts for their girlfriends all the time but his parents always make a big deal when Billy does something like that for her. The realtor comes in at that exact point, putting an end to that discussion at that moment.
At the hotel, Gussie and Jake are bored. They talk about how they thought this would be a fun trip for the three of them, but Billy Jr has been spending all his time with his girlfriend. However, they're about to meet the couple over dinner and when it happens, "things get real weird real fast" in the words of Billy Jr.
Gussie and Jake decide to acknowledge the elephant in the room and they question Marissa openly about her real intention for dating Billy Jr. They go back to the time when Marissa met Gussie and Billy Jr for the first time at a bar and how she had texted both of the brothers the morning after. They were implying that she just wanted to land a Busch boyfriend and didn't really care if it was Gussie or Billy Jr at that point in time. The conversation leaves Marissa enraged and she tells them that she's not a gold digger. She points out the fact that they are the ones using the Busch family money whereas she has a proper job and pays for everything by herself.
Billy confirms this and tells his family that she pays for all of her stuff. Marissa tells them that it's their relationship and it's not their place to comment on it. Billy couldn't contain his anger and he goes ahead to empty his drink on his brother, Gussie. He then goes ahead to apologize to Marissa for Gussie and Jake's behavior and the two of them make up.
'The Busch Family Brewed' airs Thursday nights on MTV. Check your local listings for more information.