Man blows interview just 5 minutes after entering the building by failing a basic test at reception

The job-hunting process is an arduous and tiring affair. From sending out your carefully edited resume to presenting your best self one interview after interview another can become taxing. But these are the basic things that everyone needs to go through whether it is for their dream job or a job they need to survive. Different workplaces look for different things in their prospective candidates and because of the subjective nature of the hiring process, there are no conditions set in stone that will ensure you are hired. But being a courteous and decent human being before anything can go a long way.

One man had to learn this the hard way. As an interviewee, he blew his chances of getting the job five minutes after he entered the building. He was used as an example by a Reddit user, who took to Life Pro Tips to share how the interview starts immediately and how you treat people around you matters as much as your technical skills or expertise. User sawta2112 wrote in reference to the candidate, "He was dismissive to the receptionist. She greeted him and he barely made eye contact. She tried to engage him in conversation. Again, no eye contact, no interest in speaking with her."
This rude behavior towards someone the candidate thought was inconsequential to his career prospects in the company was unacceptable. But what he did not realize was that the "receptionist" was actually the hiring manager. "She called him back to the conference room and explained how every single person on our team is valuable and worthy of respect," the Redditor went on to explain. "Due to his interaction with the 'receptionist,' the hiring manager did not feel he was a good fit. Thank you for your time but the interview is over." The user added, for good measure, "Be nice to everyone in the building."

Pre-interview jitters are definitely a thing that can lower your social skills at critical moments but the Redditor assured, the candidate's behavior was definitely not nerves. They added, "It wasn't just lack of eye contact. He was openly rude and treated her like she was beneath him." They went on to clarify, "When he thought he was talking to the decision-maker, his personality totally changed. Suddenly he was friendly, open, relaxed. So I don't think this was a case of social anxiety. The position is a client-facing position where being warm, approachable, outgoing is critical."

One Reddit user wrote, I'll add as someone who's been on every step of the hiring ladder, even if the receptionist wasn't the hiring manager, that receptionist will still get her two cents in at the water cooler while decisions are being made. In a few fields I've worked in, it wasn't just the people in the conference room that were consulted before making an offer. Be on point at all times, every employee is a potential teammate and they're all assessing you. But it is also important to remember that being nice should not be about getting a job but just for the sake of being a good person.

Another person stated: Or just don't be an a** in general? Even if you're not interviewing. Even if you're just meeting a friend for lunch why the hell would anyone be rude to a receptionist? Life pro tip: don't be a d***. User hereforthensfwstuff thought this would actually be a great screening procedure and wrote: Do we want to tell people this? Let the rude people fall away. Let this be a hiring practice for decent companies. ExternalTangents chimed in to say, It’s weird to me that the LPT is “be nice to the receptionist for your job interview, because if you’re rude like you naturally are, then you might not get the job” instead of just “don’t be rude to people.”