Made In Staten Island Season 1: Paulie Fusco and Dennie Augustine fire back at haters, claim show's no Jersey Shore rip-off

The petition to cancel MTV's upcoming teen reality show 'Made In Staten Island,' may have been welcomed with thousands of signatures, but there is definitely no stopping the young "confident" group of people who are driven to break free from their mob ancestry.
The new series slated to debut this Monday will revolve around seven teens, almost all of whom have connections with the mafia of Staten Island, and in certain cases are themselves a part of the mob legacy. In an exlusive interview with Meaww, two of the core cast members, speak out against the backlash and point out how the show differs from the likes of 'Jersey Shore' and 'Mob Wives,' the MTV installments that the show is already being compared to.
"People have made quick judgments by just looking at the little snippets of the show," says Dennie Augustine, the 'Godmutha' of the crew. "Hopefully, they'll change their mind when they watch the full episodes," she adds.