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'Lonely Planet' ending just about brings some closure, but may not be enough for some

Netflix's 'Lonely Planet' features two writers who meet at a retreat in Morocco and develop a connection
Laura Dern and Liam Hemsworth's romance takes an unanticipated turn in 'Lonely Planet' (@netflix)
Laura Dern and Liam Hemsworth's romance takes an unanticipated turn in 'Lonely Planet' (@netflix)

Contains spoilers for 'Lonely Planet'

RABAT, MOROCCO: They say that love finds you in the most unexpected places, and Katherine Loewe (Laura Dern) is going through just this in Netflix's latest film, 'Lonely Planet.' After a whirlwind of emotional breakdowns, she decides to attend a writer's retreat in Morocco, where she meets handsome Owen Brophy (Liam Hemsworth), who is accompanied by his girlfriend Lily Kemp (Diana Silvers).

As luck would have it, Katherine and Owen began to gel up and go sightseeing together, eventually developing strong affection for one another. However, given their contrasting backgrounds and age gap will their relationship be able to withstand the test of time, or will they fail?

Did Owen Brophy express his feelings to Katherine Loewe in 'Lonely Planet'?

Liam Hemsworth in a still from 'Lonely Planet' (YouTube/@netflix)
Liam Hemsworth in a still from 'Lonely Planet' (YouTube/@netflix)

As both Katherine and Owen realize their overflowing feelings for each other, the couple ends up spending a night of passion. After Owen acknowledges his attraction to Katherine, Katherine fully reciprocates his sentiments. The duo's passion for each other becomes stronger with time. During a meal, Owen informs Katherine that he has caused the situation that will lead to his dismissal from his work. He emphasizes how Katherine's work inspires him because his corporation is unconcerned about people's well-being and only wants to maximize profits.

The next day, the duo is seen sitting on the beachside, obviously soaking up the Moroccan sun, where Katherine professes her wish to stay in Morocco. Owen also informs her that he is thinking of the swing route, which is sometimes utilized by football players when they are on the verge of losing. However, things rapidly turn bleak when a robber steals Katherine's bag containing her unpublished novel. Owen pursues the thieves but fails to find the book, leaving Katherine devastated.

Did Katherine Loewe and Owen Brophy reunite in 'Lonely Planet'?

Laura Dern and Liam Hemsworth in a still from 'Lonely Planet' (@netflix)
Laura Dern and Liam Hemsworth in a still from 'Lonely Planet' (@netflix)

As Owen returns to the hotel at night, Katherine is dismayed to see that her two years' worth of labor has disappeared. She is perplexed and has chosen to return to America to work things out. Owen attempts to calm her down, but she is overcome with emotion and, in a moment of vulnerability, tags him as a distraction. Katherine claims her major motivation was to finish the novel, but she became sidetracked. Owen feels heartbroken and leaves the premises after hearing Katherine's words.

The scene transitions to some time later in America, where Katherine has successfully released her eighth book and discusses her tendency to run away during an interview. Later, at a club, she encounters Owen, and as he starts to leave, Katherine follows him and shares her regrets about leaving. She mentions that her book is titled Swing Route, a name Owen had previously suggested. Just as Owen is about to walk away, Katherine confesses that she misses him. Before she can say more, Owen kisses her, suggesting his love, and Katherine reciprocates, leading to a satisfying conclusion for the film.

'Lonely Planet' trailer