Leisure center closed after swimming pool disappears overnight

A Leisure center had to be shut down as the water in the swimming pool mysteriously disappeared overnight.
When the staff arrived at the pool they were baffled by the mysterious drain of water.
Workers at the Parish Wharf Leisure center, Portishead arrived at the swimming pool on Saturday for the busy list of weekend swimmers and were awestruck when over half a million liters disappeared overnight.
The spokesperson at the Leisure Center said, "fault with the waste valve" reported by Bristol Post.
The disappointed swimmers who arrived were told that the pool will take days to reopen since the water has to be refilled, heated and treated to be ready for the swim.
The spokesperson from the Parish Wharf Leisure Center which is run by Places for People for North Somerset Council said the pool had to be immediately closed "due to a technical issue in the plant room where a fault with the waste valve resulted in the main pool being drained of water overnight."
“This is currently being investigated and we are working hard to introduce fresh water into the pool as soon as practicable within industry guidelines, We are hopeful of having the main pool open early next week, allowing time for the water to be heated and treated in line with regulations," he told Bristol Post.
“The leisure water has not been affected and is still open to the public over the weekend,” he added.
Speculation has been growing on social media in Portishead as news of the closure spread.
No one from the leisure center would comment on the reasons for the sudden disappearance of the water. The exact cause of the water's disappearance is yet to be ascertained, and the staff has been left speculating how so much water disappeared overnight.