'Lego Masters' Episode 4: Fans upset with Manny-Nestor's elimination, say Krystle-Amie should be sent home

The difficulty levels are escalating rapidly with each episode of 'Lego Masters'. The fourth episode, titled 'Movie Genres', was particularly hard. Contestants were assigned a movie genre and had to craft a masterpiece based on the theme.
There was a twist halfway as Phil Lord and Christopher Miller, the writers of 'The Lego Movie' made the contestants mash up the genres. In a limited time frame, the participants struggled to rebuild or add to their lego creations. No doubt, stunning works of art emerged. Yet, as always, there had to be one team eliminated. In this episode, the adorable father-son duo Manny and Nestor Garcia were eliminated.
Fans were quite upset about this. One fan tweeted, "#LEGOMastersFOX #legomasters. I can’t believe you sent home Manny and Nester. The girls have had terrible builds the last 3 episodes. Their build was so busy. At least Manny and Nester’s build was clean." In this case, the girls referred to are Amie Danielle Dansby and Krystle Starr. They were in the bottom two along with Manny and Nestor.
Another fan tweeted, "Oh my GOSH! Getting ALL THE FEELS with today’s elimination on @LEGOMastersFOX. Don’t want to give anything away, but man. This elimination got me. This week’s winners totally deserved the win."
Mark Cruickshank and Boone Langston won this round.
"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO LET NESTOR STAY JUST TO BE HAPPY AND MOTIVATIONAL. #LEGOmasters I mean the build wasn’t great but let him stay anyways," tweeted another fan.
However, a fan was generally disappointed with the show. "#LEGOmasters is really upsetting me! This scripted bs. Calling everything 20 minutes in because it’s poorly ‘written’. So excited for this show. Now disappointed."
"#LegoMasters is RIGGED!" wrote another angry fan.
The next episode promises to be a heart-stopping one. In one of the clips, we can see Aaron Newman and Christian Cowgill's masterpiece crumble as they try to wheel it. In response to this, a fan wrote, "Of course they show countless structures falling cause of it; cuz that’s what happens when you move tall Lego structures! Like they just spent over 12 hours on a thing, but your producer needs that shot of the cityscape all put together, so sorry bout it. Stupid."
'Lego Masters' airs on FOX, 9 pm, Wednesdays.