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'Legacies' Season 2 Episode 2: Vardemus and Sebastian could be a whole lot more sinister than they seem

It's important to remember the legends behind Malivore from the first season as we try to figure what comes next

In this week's episode of 'Legacies', we are introduced to four new recurring characters: Ethan, Maya, Professor Vardemus, and Sebastian. Ethan and Maya are two humans Hope meets at Mystic Falls High. Professor Vardemus is the new Headmaster of the Salvatore School and Sebastian, a mysterious being. It is Professor Vardemus and Sebastian that has us most intrigued at the moment, however, and we think they are going to play a major role in the second season's overarching theme.

We have also seen another mysterious figure -- twice in two episodes now -- at the end of each episode, each time, doing something sinister. At the end of the first episode, this red-cloaked figure lights up the symbol for Malivore in the middle of Mystic Falls cemetery. At the end of the second episode, they stab a man in the cemetery and this time, carves the Malivore symbol on the corpse's forehead.

Professor Vardemus has a British accent and gives us major Gilderoy-Lockhart-meets-Severus-Snape vibes. Vardemus believes in the superiority of supernatural beings and tells the students at his very first assembly that "the future is supernatural". He catches Josie performing a nose bleed spell on her classmate for flirting with Landon and approaches her towards the end. He wants to teach advanced magic to students by invitation only and wants Josie to be the first one in the group.

Fans have already theorized that the red-cloaked figure is Vardemus and we believe the latest episode cements the possibility of that theory being true. But instead of working with or against Malivore, we think that Vardemus wants to use Malivore -- as a supremacist, he must think that something created by a witch ought to work for a witch. So whatever the red-cloaked figure does is to find ways to bring Malivore back, but under their control.

Lizzie meets Sebastian in 'Legacies' (The CW)

It's also important to look at the color theme -- we see a lot of red in Vardemus's wardrobe -- there is the red flower pinned to his coat, his red ring that glows whenever he performs magic, and the red nightrobe he wears when he speaks to Josie. There may also be the possibility that Vardemus is the witch that helped create Malivore. By now we know that there is nothing coincidental in Julie Plec's universe and that applies to Sebastian as well.

Sebastian appears to Lizzie twice in this episode, both times when she is alone. He's suave and alluring, and though he's been told by the cast and crew to be reminiscent of Damon Salvatore, we can't help but see a lot of Elijah Mikaelson in him. We have been told that Sebastian is a "really old vampire", and what if he is the vampire that helped create Malivore as well? It is odd that only Lizzie seems to be the one interacting with Sebastian but we're sure we will learn more about that soon.

But Vardemus and Sebastian have different faces, you say? We've known vampires (or vampire-adjacent Silas) and witches (Kol and Finn Mikaelson) to be resurrected and look different -- and the lore of the universe keeps changing anyway. We also think the werewolf-equivalent will be showing up soon. Next week's episode deals with a monster that eats werewolf, and that is too much of a coincidence again.

We have a bulk of the season to go and we will have to wait a long time to finally get the importance of these two characters. But we think the wait will be worth it.

'Legacies' airs on The CW on Thursday nights.