'Legacies' Season 2 Episode 13 Preview: Kai Parker's final appearance can spell doom for Hope and her friends

Last week's episode of 'Legacies' featured the much-awaited return of Kai Parker. Kai was Lizzie and Josie Saltzman's bio-mom's brother — the one responsible for their mother's death. He was one of the most popular villains on 'The Vampire Diaries'.
When Josie, Lizzie, and their father, Alaric Saltzman are transported to the prison world, they come to slowly realize that Kai is as formidable as ever. Though Alaric warns Josie not trust Kai, she does so — however, she did have a few tricks up her sleeve.
Kai does his own manipulating as well and because he learned of Malivore, he decides to escape the prison world by going into Malivore. Before he does so, he tells Josie that she can get out of the prison world if she breaks the mora miserium and becomes dark Josie.
The last episode ended with a bunch of cliffhangers — Josie on the verge of becoming dark, Kai absorbed by Malivore, Lizzie and Sebastian caught in a car crash (with Sebastian's vampire blood in Lizzie's system), and Alaric on the run from the students he sent to the prison world.
In the upcoming episode, we see that Kai makes it out to the real world and creates trouble for Hope, who is no doubt trying to bring the Saltzmans back from the prison world.
However, with the Necromancer also prowling, Hope must do what she can before the prophecy comes true -- we still don't know who the hero the prophecy refers to is and it could become clear in this episode.
Meanwhile, it looks like Alaric will have to make a difficult decision to make sure to keep his family safe. Whether that includes a Lizzie who is still a normal witch or has become a heretic remains to be seen.
'Legacies' airs on The CW on Thursday nights at 9/8 c. Watch the promo for this week's episode below.