'Legacies' season 2: All the possible love triangle candidates Hope and Landon could be involved with including Josie and Rafael

When 'Legacies' ended its first season, Hope, played by Danielle Rose Russell, had sacrificed herself to destroy Malivore and save everyone around her. Before the tribrid went off to save the day, she instructed Alaric to destroy everything that would leave behind clues of her existence — she knew that destroying Malivore would end up erasing her from everyone's memories.
Which means that if and when Hope does come back without everyone's memories being restored, she could see her friends live their lives as if she was never a part of them. When Russell spoke to MEA WorldWide (MEAWW) previously, she said that Landon (Aria Shahghasemi) moving on in a world without Hope hurts her even though she knows it is logical. It was also teased that season two would see Hope going beyond Landon, and with a handful of new characters coming to the show and Russel stating that she would like to see Hope exploring her sexuality, the possibilities are endless.
Here's a look at the possible love triangles the spinoff from 'The Vampire Diaries' and 'The Originals' might come up with in the upcoming season:
Hope, Landon and Rafael
The most obvious triangle staring at fans in the face is the love triangle between Landon, Hope, and Rafael. Rafael (Peyton Alex Smith) is Landon's foster brother, giving us vibes of the original and certainly most famous love triangle of this universe — Stefan, Elena, and Damon. By the end of season one, we knew that Rafael definitely has feelings for Hope and that she is aware of them. As the season ended, Raf was stuck in his wolf form since he would need Hope to bring him back to his human self. Could this mean Raf is the only one who remembers Hope? If he does, having seen Landon move on, Hope could gravitate towards Raf when she is back in Mystic Falls.

Hope, Josie and Landon
'Hopie' may not be canon but that has not stopped fans and even the actors who play Hope and Josie (Kaylee Bryant) from shipping the two characters. When Josie confessed that she used to have a crush on Hope in episode 12 of season one ('There's a Mummy on Main Street'), fans were delighted when Hope responded with a smile "You had a crush on me?", leaving many viewers agreeing that 'Hopie' is the real endgame.
Season two might see Hope and Josie finally explore what could be there between them. However, there are also some theorizing that Landon could have moved on with Josie, with both feeling the emptiness of a breakup (Hope and Penelope Park respectively). This love triangle might be messy, but it is sure to be a popular one.
Hope, Lizzie and Landon
While Lizzie (Jenny Boyd) may not have been on the best terms with Hope in season one, we see her attitude towards Hope improving in later episodes. While Landon and Lizzie may not seem the obvious pairing (but hey, anything could be possible in a world where no one remembers Hope), 'Hizzie' has been gaining traction among the viewers.
Hope, Clarke and Landon
In the last episode of the first season, Hope performs a mimic spell on Clarke, Landon's "brother" (Nick Fink) that forces him to do exactly as she does, meaning that Clarke is in the mystery world with Hope. In an interview with TV Guide, Julie Plec stated that Hope and Clarke being stuck together is going to remind fans of Damon and Bonnie's time in the prison world together from 'The Vampire Diaries'. While Damon and Bonnie did not end up together, could Hope develop a better understanding of Clarke during her time with him and therefore develop feelings for him? After all, Damon and Klaus earned their redemptions. Why not Clarke?
Hope, Landon and someone new
We know of at least three new characters that are going to appear in season two. Thomas Doherty (from 'Descendents 2') is set to play Sebastian, a vampire from the 15th Century who is going to be 'Legacies' Damon-equivalent. While Sebastian is touted to be Lizzie's potential love interest, he could also stir up some trouble for Hope and Landon.
The two other characters known to appear in season two are the brother-sister pair played by Bianca Santos and Leo Howard, both of whom are said to harbor a crush on Hope and therefore likely candidates for the potential love triangle(s) in season two.

Of course, the love triangles on 'The Vampire Diaries' and 'The Originals' expanded to include more corners (Stefan Salvatore himself was involved in four separate love triangles), so season two could potentially see multiple triangles come to fruition. With Julie Plec hinting at the possibilities of old characters returning, we could expect even Penelope Park (Lulu Antariksa) or Roman Sienna (Jedidiah Goodacre) to get into the mix.