'Love and Marriage: Huntsville': Marsau accuses LaTisha of not putting enough effort into their marriage

Last week on 'Love and Marriage: Huntsville', Melody Holt had her friend-turned-foe LaTisha Scott escorted out of her private event. The explosive incident continued in tonight's (July 25) episode and LaTisha was seen walking up to Melody demanding an explanation as to why she was having her removed.
LaTisha told Melody that she's present to show her support and celebrate the launch of her new business. However, Melody was in no mood to hold on to the olive branch extended to her and she once again asked for LaTisha to be removed from the event. Speaking about this incident with her husband Marsau the next day didn't bring any consolation to LaTisha either.
Instead, he brought up a whole new set of issues that he had with her where he also asked her to put a little effort in their marriage. He questioned LaTisha about the reason she continues seeking a relationship with the Holts to which she replied she just wants the madness between them to stop. Later, LaTisha asked him to take care of the kids at dinner the next day. Marsau had an issue with her request as he'd been doing it for consecutive nights and it wasn't exactly a cakewalk for him.
The next day, Marsau walked in on LaTisha as she was trying to go over the speech she had prepared for the event she was speaking at later that evening. He found a couple of lines in her speech problematic and the argument between them from the previous day was set into motion, once again. Marsau said that he didn't want her to be saying that she had no help from him and all the responsibilities and burdens lay on her shoulders.
"I don't want you to make it seem like you as a Stay-at-Home mother had to take all responsibilities and I wasn't doing anything," said Marsau. LaTisha clarified that she wasn't trying to portray that through her speech but Marsau was not buying any of her explanations. "I do not need this distraction right now. Marsau is always the one telling me not to let anything distract you from your goals but he's the distraction right now," said LaTisha in a confessional.
'Love and Marriage: Huntsville' airs every Saturday at 8 pm ET on OWN.