Mystery of Gerard Butler's latest film: How the excellent 'Last Seen Alive' disappeared without a trace

Gerard Butler's last three films — 'Angel has Fallen', 'Greenland', 'And Copshop' were rated 39 per cent, 81 per cent, and 78 per cent, respectively. None of these are bad numbers, considering the 'Fallen' series did relatively well at the BO. But his latest thriller, 'Last Seen Alive' that was released on June 3, barely has any reviews, and the publicity has been poor. Safe to say, there's no Rotten Tomatoes page, nor is there a Wikipedia page for the same. IMDb does call the movie by the title 'Chase', but barring a few outlets that have noted the basic 'what's-it-about', the movie has barely 10 reviews on the internet, though user reviews on the site called it 'Enjoyable'
This comes as a major surprise considering Butler's caliber as an actor. He's been an unsung Hollywood action hero. it was in the epic war drama '300' that he made heads turn as the Spartan king Leonidas. The breathtakingly visual movie saw Leonidas lead 300 Spartans into battle against the Persian "God-King" Xerxes (Rodrigo Santoro) and his army of over 300,000 soldiers sealing Butler's persona as an action hero. Per a Flixpatrol report, his 'Last Seen Alive' did manage to make the iTunes Top 10, but the movie, despite the promising trailer and an interesting premise, hardly seemed to have garnered enough attention.
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The official synopsis reads, "Chase" centers on Will Spann (Butler), who is driving his soon-to-be ex-wife Lisa (Alexander) to her parents' home when she mysteriously disappears without a trace during a stop at a gas station. A frantic Will engages the local police and Lisa's parents in a desperate attempt to find her, but as time passes and suspicion falls on him, he must take matters into his own hands, delving into the town's criminal underbelly while running from the authorities in a race against time to find Lisa."
For now, we can perhaps attribute it to a rather poor marketing campaign. It also doesn't help that some major shows dropped this week. With the likes of 'Stranger Things' and 'The Boys' still taking the top spots as most viewed content, maybe Butler's flick might see some success when it hits VoD.