Larry David’s ‘Curb Your Enthusiasm’ outdoes Seinfeld’s popularity as it comes back with Season 10

The new ‘King of Nothing’ Larry David has touched a decade of his popular comedy series, ‘Curb Your Enthusiasm.’ The show comes back on Sunday, January 19, for the start of Season 10.
But what’s making headlines is how this show surpassed ‘Seinfeld’, which was created on very similar lines. One might say that ‘Seinfeld’ was the predecessor that paved the way for shows like David’s.
Not to get into the comparison game, Seinfeld and David are quite similar and yet different from each other. If ‘Seinfeld’ was not specifically about anything, ‘Curb Your Enthusiasm’ deals with more varied topics and covers anything and everything from bathroom etiquette, food habits, daily commute, et al. At the end of the day, both are hilarious and witty experiences of one man through the daily quirks of life.
The reason why David’s concept has been pulling in more audience could be pegged on the multi-layered idiosyncrasies that the actor-writer-producer packs in his character. And that simple curiosity of how idiotic or quirky it can get has given the show more mileage than anyone ever expected. In fact, it has managed to garner higher and better ratings than perhaps shows like ‘Seinfeld’ ever could. And the only reason you might think these two are on a plane of comparison is because they are essentially very close to each other conceptually. ‘Curb Your Enthusiasm’ has an IMDb rating that ranges between 8.4 and 8.6.
The first episode of ‘Curb Your Enthusiasm’ aired in January 2000, when everything was different- politics, social structure, and people. However, even if a lot has changed in the last two decades, the punchlines that David’s character packs is still on the point and very in sync with times. One of the show's biggest achievements is how it has managed to influence a whole new set of comedians and shows which deal with real-life and related situations. However, David still holds sway over the audience 20 years later even if most may not agree with his thoughts on religion, gender and relationships. Such is his conviction and passion for putting forth his thoughts.
A sitcom akin to many, and yet unlike most, ‘Curb Your Enthusiasm’ has been gaining a fan following with every passing season or so social feeds prove as they share their excitement on having a binge-watching session for the show. And if you have never managed to catch the show earlier, you might want to review all nine seasons and get ready for Season 10.
'Curb Your Enthusiasm' Season 10 premieres on January 19, 2020, on HBO.