'Killing Eve' season 2: Villanelle's total disregard for fashion makes her more dangerous to Eve

Spoiler alert for 'Killing Eve'.
The premiere of the highly anticipated season 2 of 'Killing Eve' is less than a week away and this is as good a time as can ever be to address what a total toss our iconic serial killer lead Villanelle's fashion sense goes for in the initial parts of the upcoming season. Teasers snippets, promotional photos, and the full trailer of the upcoming season have already established that Jodie Comer's murderous psychopath is far from dead, as her nemesis-cum-star-crossed love, the titular Eve (Sandra Oh) believes her to be.
But the whole undead vibe isn't the only thing going for the assassin, as the cat-and-mouse chase between her and Eve resumes for round two. Considering how chic and impeccably dressed Villanelle has always been, it's really a matter of concern that she, of all people on the show, would choose to dress like that. But what does it mean for the expressionist via clothing that her character is? Is something far sinister lurking behind the simpleton outfits?