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Katelyn Armstrong dubbed 'monster' for hunting over 200 deer says killing animals is her 'passion'

'I think there is a lot of misunderstanding and people do target me negatively because I’m a female,' said Katelyn Armstrong
Katelyn Armstrong who aspires to teach others about hunting documents her journey on TikTok (Katelyn Armstrong/ Instagram)
Katelyn Armstrong who aspires to teach others about hunting documents her journey on TikTok (Katelyn Armstrong/ Instagram)

COLUMBUS, OHIO: A 31-year-old woman from Ohio, Katelyn Armstrong claims that her "passion is killing", in a shocking video that's going viral online. She has millions of viewers on social networking sites where she displays her hunting prowess. Notably, the nail technician followed in the footsteps of her father. Armstrong watched her father hunting animals when she was a child and had her first shot at a deer when she was just 12 years old. Apparently, last year she killed around 200 deer.

She hasn't stopped ever since her first hunt. For her, "nothing goes to waste" as she processes all the meat herself and turns it into steaks, pot roasts, burgers, and breakfast sausages. Armstrong, who aspires to teach others about hunting, documents her journey on TikTok, where one video has received over 4.6 million views and 482,000 likes as per a report.


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However, she has also faced criticism online from others who believe hunting is cruel. “I think there is a lot of misunderstanding and people do target me negatively because I’m a female," she told the Sun.


Apart from people mocking her for "not being a real hunter" or branding her a monster and showing disgust for killing animals, Armstrong claims she is also asked "What did the animal do to you?" to which she reacts, "I try to educate these people," However, she says, "pride, jealousy, and ignorance get in the way." Most of the comments "do not bother me" and they only "fuel me to educate those who are willing to listen and learn something new," she claims.

"People are OK with eating burgers from McDonald's but they aren’t OK with a hunter ethically harvesting a free-range animal that lived a life without any human interaction. Nature is harsh and deer don’t die from old age - it’s usually slow and painful, with the disease, starvation, and coyotes. “I try to point out the facts as much as possible, especially as hunters are the biggest conservationists out there.”

A normal day for Katelyn starts around two hours before daylight when she takes a shower to get rid of her human scent and then gathers her hunting and video equipment. In order to wait for her victim, she climbs a suitable tree. While occasionally going through the process with her father when he visits, she often does it alone. 

However, she revealed to the outlet that bowhunting was her "favorite" method and that being "self-taught" she says she really enjoys the connection she gets to experience with nature. “You have to become invisible to animals who have better senses than you do, and be patient, so you can wait for them to get very close. “During hunting season, I try to go at least four days a week and either do a morning hunt or evening hunt – sometimes both.” In one of her viral clips, Armstrong calls her dad and tells him about her biggest kill to date, a 200lb buck. “You can’t be afraid to fail and hunting is my passion," she said as per the outlet.

She says, “I think there is a lot of misunderstanding and people do target me negatively because I’m a female,” said Armstrong. “People make assumptions about me, such as my dad’s money getting me into hunting or that I’m not a real hunter and I’m only doing this for attention.”