'Karen' refuses to wear mask in store claiming to have medical condition, Internet says 'she’s full of s**t'

A video shared on a Reddit sub called 'r/F**kYouKaren' sees a woman get into the face of a shop clerk over why she does't need to wear a mask. The video shared by user u/ShadowKirby was titled "My friend had the privilege of dealing with a Karren today. (sic)” It is not known where or when the video was taken.
The video that was posted just a day ago has garnered over 3000 comments with many of them trolling the woman for how she was confidently misstating facts. The woman who was seen wearing sunglasses is seen getting close to the clerk in what seems to look like a mobile store. The woman is heard yelling, "No, I f**king don’t need a mask."
Typical Karen: Poll compared meme to the N-word and more than 200,000 people vehemently disagree
She backs away a little bit and then adds, "No, I don’t need a mask,” yelling louder, “I have a medical condition that prevents me from wearing a mask!” Things get chaotic and a lot louder when she says, "I have a doctor’s note that says I have a medical condition!” Despite all this yelling by the woman, the clerk asks her calmly to explain the condition and says, "What is it?"
Not liking the fact that she was being questionned, the woman ended up shrieking again and said, “I don’t have to provide it to you! The law says people with disabilities are protected!” She then added, "By the law, you do not have to reveal what your disability is.” This video was shot by the clerk's coworker who shot it from behind the counter and the video ends here.
One user commented on the video and said, "I legit cannot stand people mis stating what the law is and expecting everyone to agree with them just because they said “it’s the law!” No, Karen. It’s not." The second most upvoted comment read, "The correct response from all retail workers should be "then contact your lawyer". This isn't the time or place to argue "the law". The store has made their decision. If she feels illegally discriminated against, she can file a suit. That's how the system works. She won't file a suit though because deep down she knows she's full of shit."
One user actually explained the law that the woman had tried to reference in the conversation to prove that the woman's claim were factually incorrect. This user also wrote, "TL;DR - You have to wear a mask or get the fuck out. Stop being a twat." Many also found it problematic.
The woman did not explain her disability and many on the thread also assumed that she was miusing the law and was not really disabled. One of the comments read, "It's also a massive fuck you to people who have actual disabilities. I don't think I've seen a single video in the past year of any legitimately disabled person being a selfish moron and claiming the ADA gave them the right to do so." One user also made a sarcastic remark and said, "White people shocked the law isn't on their side - "Hello Senator? Withdraw from the WHO."