Joking about her miscarriage made Ali Wong the comedy star she is today

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA: Ali Wong, best known for her two comedy specials, 'Baby Cobra' (2016) and 'Hard Knock Wife' (2018), as well as her part in Netflix's 'Always Be My Maybe', is an expert at finding the humor in everyday situations. Wong, who was previously almost exclusively recognised for her performance on ABC's 'Fresh Off The Boat', not only puts on one of the filthiest and funniest comedy specials people have ever seen, but she does it while seven months pregnant.
But in some of her recent interviews, Wong has opened up quite seriously about some of her life incidents, including her miscarriage. Starring in the upcoming Netflix show 'Beef', Wong's journey of becoming this amazingly talented woman who illuminates with nothing other than confidence is a must read .
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'Paper Girls' on Amazon Prime Video: Ali Wong was a successful comedian before venturing into acting
'The relief that I’d miscarried twins was real!'
In an interview with the Guardian, Wong was asked several questions about her Netflix special. One of them was regarding how Wong was able to joke about her miscarriage so easily. Not only that, in her special Wong went ahead and revealed that she was even relieved.
Wong responded "I think that’s part of it, for sure. But it really helped me when I had a miscarriage to talk to other women and hear that they’d been through it, too. It’s one thing to hear the statistics but it’s another to put faces to the numbers so you stop feeling like it’s your fault. I think that’s one of the reasons women don’t tell people when they’ve had a miscarriage – they think it’s their fault. I remember I worried what my in-laws would think, which is so crazy. I thought they’d think their son had married a terrible person. Also, because I made the mistake of telling people as soon as I got pregnant, I then had to tell them the bad news and then I felt like I was burdening them. So being able to joke about it was such a relief. Comedy only works when it comes from an honest place and the relief that I’d miscarried twins was real!"
Wong seems unstoppable
"I don't want to lean in, OK? I want to lie down. I want to lie the f--- down." During 'Baby Cobra', Ali Wong's 2016 Netflix special, she conveys this assertion. The comic hasn't exactly quit performing, so the joke may perhaps be on her. In addition to giving birth to two children, Wong also appeared on ABC's 'American Housewife', aired a second special in 2018 called "Hard Knock Wife," co-wrote and starred in Netflix's 'Always Be My Maybe', went on tour, and penned a book called 'Dear Daughters'. The mother of two is now quite upfront about seeking help when balancing job and motherhood, as well as coping with societal expectations of what a post-pregnancy body should look like.
And now that she's achieved an absurd degree of success, she could begin to ease up - possibly perform less stand-up. But that won't ever happen. "Back in the day, saying you wanted to be a stand-up comedian was like saying you wanted to be president," explained Wong. So now that she's made it, why would she give it all up, asks Wong