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'First Amendment was never intended to protect liars': Johnny Depp fans get #TruthWins trending AGAIN

'Not only did Johnny Depp win in the public’s eye but he won in the court of law. Justice has been served,' said a user
Internet celebrates Johnny Depp's victory against ex-wife Amber Heard (Photo by Leon Neal/Getty Images and @ZellnerLaw/Twitter)
Internet celebrates Johnny Depp's victory against ex-wife Amber Heard (Photo by Leon Neal/Getty Images and @ZellnerLaw/Twitter)

Celebrity breakups and dramas have always been an interest to the general public. So what took off as just a regular trial in the case of Johnny Depp and Amber Heard’s case, soon became the most talking topic on social media with memes, hashtags getting bombarded on almost every user’s feed. Hence, on Wednesday, June 1, afternoon when the trial finally got concluded, this made the reaction to the verdict intense online, with many celebrating the victory using hashtags like #TruthWins, #HeDidIt, among others.

After two months of testimony, interviews and evidence, that has shown the good and bad of Johnny Depp and Amber Heard, people took to Twitter, even before the verdict was announced, and started posting about how Depp deserves the win, and how Heard should be blacklisted from Hollywood. #TruthWins, which has been trending since the trial started, made a comeback on the verdict day.


'I’m heartbroken': Amber Heard says she is disappointed by verdict in favor of Johnny Depp

JOHNNY DEPP WINS! Jury delivers actor a staggering $15 million victory, but Heard gets $2 million

One of the users tweeted, saying, "The First Amendment was never intended to protect liars, male or female. True victims of abuse have nothing to fear…imposters not so much. #TruthWins," while another one wrote, "Not only did Johnny Depp win in the public’s eye but he won in the court of law. Justice has been served; finally restoring this good mans name and reputation We love to see it #JusticeForJohhnyDepp #JohnnyDeppVsAmberHeardTrial #TruthWins #DeppVsHeard."



The chain of tweets saw messages like, "Amber Heard — who lied under oath and lied about being beaten by Johnny Depp — says in this statement that the verdict is a setback for other women… No, it’s not. Just women who lie. #TruthWins," "Johnny's speech on Instagram! I love you Johnny! #JusticeForJohhnyDepp #TruthWins #DeppVsHeard #CamilleVazquez #JohnnyDeppVsAmberHeardTrial," among others.



Hate for Heard

There has been a constant hate for the 38-year-old actress since Day 1. #AmberHeardIsAnAbuser, #Amberheardcancelled, #Amberheardsucks, and #Amberheardistrash were some of the tags given to her since the trial started. While stories of Heard pooping on Depp’s bed after a fight on April 21, 2016 (reason for #AmberTurd) has not been of any help, almost no celebs coming in support of her also gave hints to people questioning her credibility. 

In  past a few years, Johnny Depp has faced a major backlash which resulted in losing reputation and many huge projects, including 'Pirates of the Caribbean'. The case saw a drastic twist as the fans took the actor's side after he made shared some shocking revelation about Amber Heard. His fans continuously followed every single point of the case and now cheering the moment of victory.