Amber on Alert! Johnny Depp fans gleefully await Amber Heard 'meltdown' after he overtakes her Instagram followers

Another celebrity has joined the Instagram bandwagon and it is none other than Johnny Depp. He might be several years late to the social media site, but he's making up quickly for lost time. As most people are aware, Depp has been in the limelight the last few years for all the wrong reasons.
His estranged wife Amber Heard had accused him of physically abusing her. Recently, there has been a surge of evidence that Heard was violent with him. Fans instantly rose to Depp's defense and now many hope that he will overtake Heard's following. Currently, Depp's following stands at 1.6M, while Heard's is at 3.9M followers.
A fan tweeted, "I don't give two shots about Instagram, but I hope #JohnnyDepp overtakes Amber Heard quickly, just out of spite." Another wrote, "Okay.. but legit... who else is excited to imagine how #AmberHeard reacts when she sees #JohnnyDepp surpass her following on #Instagram?"
"#JohnnyDepp is getting an Instagram account. #AmberHeard is going to go nuts when he gets more followers than her. I wish I could see her meltdown," a fan tweeted.
Considering the 'Pirates Of The Caribbean' actor has fallen from grace in the past few years, it seems as if he is slowly climbing back on the pedestal as fans refuse to believe that he was in the wrong. There is brewing hate for Amber Heard, as they are sure she "falsified" evidence.
Will this Instagram debut redeem his image further? Depp's first post was a video where he wished well for all his fans, and provided encouragement along with hope to people looking for some sort of hope in these dark times.
"Hello to everyone," Depp starts in the video. "This is my first experience within the world of social media. I've never done any of this before. I don't think I've really ever felt any particular reason to until now."
"Now is the time to open up a dialogue, as the threat of this invisible enemy has already caused immeasurable tragedies and enormous damage to people's lives. People are ill and without care," he added.
"People are getting sick and fighting for breath. People are dying at frighteningly high rates. Many are unable to provide for their children and their families as a result of this hideous global pandemic."
He encouraged people to use their time creatively and mentioned his personal motto that he would tell his children when they were bored. "You are not allowed to feel bored," he would tell them.
"I know for the moment it feels like both of our hands are tied behind our backs, and to some degree they are," Depp added. "But our minds are unbound and our hearts are not chained and we can care, and through caring, we will help each other and we will prevail."
"Caring is as close as the eye can see, it's right in front of you at all times if you just have a look." He also hinted at his situation with Amber Heard and thanked fans for their overpowering support. Recently, #JusticeForJohnnyDepp began trending as fans began to unearth evidence to prove Heard physically abused him.
At the end of the video, he said that he had recorded a cover of John Lennon's 'Isolation' with guitarist Jeff Beck. Fans commented on his post, welcoming him to Instagram and sending numerous hearts.
Most fans are thrilled and have flooded social media with tweets, saying how he made their day. "#JohnnyDepp joined Instagram and dropped an amazing single and I bawled like a lunatic because I needed something like that today and he popped up like a god damn genie and said 'Hey, it's okay. Create something. And thanks for sticking by me. Oh here's some pretty music too'," tweeted a fan.
"Woot woot woooo hoooo! It's Johnny Depp Day! New music and a new Instagram account for #JohnnyDepp #JusticeForJohnnyDepp Here it IS!" wrote an excited fan.
"Johnny Depp, you broke Instagram... Too many people love you and flooded on (including me) and now the app AND website keep crashing when I try to open... Just when i found you i lost you!" wrote another overwhelmed fan.
Being Johnny Depp, he might just post some quirky and weird photo of his, which fans would just love, as you can clearly see.