'Zero f***s given': Angry Internet's attempt to cancel Joey Diaz for abusing female comedians slammed by fans

Brobible reported that Joe Rogan and comedian Joey Diaz are under some intense heat as a clip of an old podcast took over the Internet. The clip sees Diaz "brag about coercing female comedians for sexual favors in exchange for stage time at a local comedy club." In the midst of the #MeToo and the #BelieveWomen movement, many people disgusted by Diaz finding "women abuse" funny took to Twitter to cancel the comedian. There was an intense split in opinion though as loyal and die-hard fans of the comedian rushed to his defense, claiming that this was a decade-old clip and that people can change.
The clip was a short one with over 4,900 retweets and 8,000 likes. "That's "$200 million" Joe Rogan's favorite comedian, Joey Diaz, all he ever talks about is abusing women or assaulting homosexuals, while tears of laughter stream down Rogan's face, no sign of a joke in sight," tweeted a user with another one adding, "This is how the rape culture that defends Joey Diaz and Joe Rogan speak today. This shit isn’t funny. Stop enabling the pigs!!" 'Brookly Nine-Nine' actress and comedian Chelsea Peretti also tweeted, "My blood is boiling watching all these clips of these f****** comedian pigs laughing on podcasts about the abuse of women."
"Joey Diaz said he made this girl give him head, otherwise he wouldn’t let her perform and she got to Hollywood and all but told him how the trauma f***** her up. But yea, sure, call it whatever you want, rape apologist. People take advantage of others when they are in power & rape," tweeted another user. While cancel Joey Diaz seemed to be the main chat on the social media channel, fans of the comedian rushed aggressively to his defense.
"Lmaooo woke Twitter just learned about Joey Diaz. Have fun, that’s one motherf***** that CANT be cancelled," said a user as the comedian's fans woke up to "Uncle Joe" being dragged. Some of the tweets included, "OH GOD THE SENSITIVE PEOPLE FOUND OUT ABOUT JOEY DIAZ AND JOE ROGAN"
"Holy shit p**** twitter just found out about joey diaz y'all CLOWNS if you think you able to cancel him," said a user while another posted, "Let me talk to you about something, good luck tryna cancel the best comedian of all time you silly geek. You can’t cancel Joe Rogan not Joey Diaz. Good luck stoopid"
"I understand what youre doing, but joey diaz is such an open book, that if you brought this up to him, hed say "you think thats f****** bad? back in boulder in 87' i f****** ..." (also he has a daughter, regardless, i dont get why people arent allowed to change for the better)" tweeted one user with a fan replying, "I was told Joey Diaz was trending. My first thought was “oh shit” then I saw what was going on and I said it’s just Joey Diaz haha you think “cancel culture” is going to tear down this gorilla biscuit eating karate master “YOU GOT ANOTHER THING F****** COMIN!” Love you Uncle Joe!"
Another fan tweeted, "If you are mad at something Joe Rogan or Joey Diaz said smoking pot and drinking whiskey on a podcast that was filmed like 10 years ago you need to f****** go away for ever. You've had 10 years to complain about it don't you dare start complaining now you b******." A fan replied, "I give 0 f**ks about how you sensitive sappy f**ks want to cancel Uncle Joey Diaz!!! The Church Family has his back, and knows jokes. You thin skin fucks can go to the back of the f**k off line!!!"