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Joe Rogan discusses drug-testing in sports during 'JRE' podcast: 'Are you allowed to take creatine?'

Joe Rogan expressed his views on drug testing in the realm of combative sports
UFC host Joe Rogan has not been a supporter of drug testing in combative sports (Getty Images)
UFC host Joe Rogan has not been a supporter of drug testing in combative sports (Getty Images)

AUSTIN, TEXAS: JRE host Joe Rogan believes that prohibitions on performance-enhancing drugs in sports should not be enforced.

He thinks that athletes, particularly those who compete in combat sports, should be permitted to utilize performance-enhancing drugs to keep their bodies and minds in peak condition.

The 56-year-old UFC color commentator provided reasons on episode 147 of the JRE MMA Show with Sean O'Malley and Tim Welch to justify the usage of performance-enhancing drugs by athletes.

Joe Rogan (PowerfulJRE/ YouTube)
Joe Rogan shared his views on drug testing in sports (PowerfulJRE/ YouTube)

Joe Rogan on drug-testing in sports

During the show, Rogan said, “I just think this whole idea of purity is horses**t. The purity in sports in terms of supplementation: are you allowed to take creatine? You are. Well, creatine is a performance-enhancing substance... It's not just physically enhancing, creatine is cognitively enhancing.”

He further added, “And then there is also you are staking BCAA's... You are taking beta-alanine before you exercise. That's performance-enhancing... There's a lot of pre-workouts that are legal. There is a lot of stuff that is legal that is a hundred percent performance-enhancing.”


Rogan thinks it's best to let boxers utilize pills to replenish their natural levels of growth hormones and testosterone in order to prolong their primes as long as possible.

Additionally, the podcaster said that authorities should focus less on creating strict drug-testing procedures and more on enhancing athletes' performance.

Joe Rogan’s carnivore diet experiment

In January 2020, Joe Rogan made his 30-day carnivore diet experiment first public. He has since alternated between a pure carnivore diet and other diets.

He has shared his experiences with his carnivore-loving podcast guests and millions of social media followers. He frequently shares photos of his meat-centric dinners, including succulent ribeye steaks and elk that he had personally hunted.

Joe Rogan trying cold plunge (DEEP MMA & BOXING/ YouTube)
Joe Rogan is one of the fittest celebrities at the age of 56 (DEEP MMA & BOXING/ YouTube)

Rogan's choice to adopt a carnivorous diet was influenced by various factors. One significant motivation was his curiosity about how the diet might impact his autoimmune illness, vitiligo, which manifests as milky white areas on the skin due to immune system activity.


Additionally, he aimed to boost his energy and mental clarity while shedding excess weight.