Joe Rogan praised for searing attack on CNN amid Chris Cuomo scandal: 'Listen to him'

Joe Rogan, who hosts one of the biggest podcasts in the world, was praised on social media after he launched a searing attack on CNN as the liberal network courted controversy over shocking revelations about its former star anchor Chris Cuomo.
The 54-year-old podcaster and UFC commentator insisted the former CNN anchor, 51, was "done" as a journalist during the Friday, December 3, episode of "The Joe Rogan Experience," released during Cuomo's suspension from the network but before his permanent termination, Fox News reported.
Kayleigh McEnany pulls no punches in scathing tirade against Chris Cuomo
"I think CNN is realizing that their ratings are dogs***," Rogan began, "and that having these highly polarizing editorial personalities like [Brian] Stelter and Don Lemon… I personally, maybe it's just my bias, I want the news. I want objective news. I want someone to tell me what are the facts of what's going on and what's happening. I don't want your ideological slant. I don't want this left-wing propaganda network, which is what CNN has become."
"The way I look at CNN now is so different than the way I looked at CNN 15, 20 years ago. I used to look at them as this is how I get the news. This is unbiased, professional news. They're going to tell me what's happening in Pakistan and, you know, what's happening in Mogadishu. These are the real journalists that are telling you the news," Rogan continued. "Now I look at them, I go, ‘You f--king propagandists, the right-arm of Pfizer. What are you doing?'" The left-of-center podcaster stressed "there's a market for real news" but "it's really hard to find that now" particularly outside independent sources.
Joe Rogan @joerogan slams CNN as "f*cking propagandists" after Chris Cuomo's firing
— The Post Millennial (@TPostMillennial) December 6, 2021
Conservatives and casual critics of CNN hailed Rogan as a hero on social media following his unbridled commentary. "Rogan really doesn’t have much legacy media left to topple. Wild," journalist Kevin Ryan tweeted.
"If you don’t listen to Joe Rogan, you might want to start now!!" conservative activist Alexandra Levine of 'Jews for Trump' added. "I wonder what it must feel like for @brianstelter @CNN @MSNBC that @joerogan gets 20x+ the people that watch and listen to him then watch anything on #CNN. In fact, more people by millions listen to 1 episode of #JRE than #CNN gets in an entire 24hrs of programming,"
"People who are spoon-fed by CNN, MSNBC, Wapo, NYT, etc... think that Joe Rogan is an alt-right dude. What Joe Rogan is, is open-minded, inquisitive, and not afraid to ask questions. This is the EXACT opposite of corporate media types who push the agenda they are told to push
"The garbage network of @CNN continues with their daily nonsense and I’m delighted to see @joerogan call them out for the frauds they are. Of course, their ratings are trash. How can anyone seriously watch them?
Rogan really doesn’t have much legacy media left to topple. Wild.
— Kevin Ryan (@The_Kevin_Ryan) December 7, 2021
If you don’t listen to Joe Rogan, you might want to start now!!
— Alexandra Levine (@AlexandraLevi20) December 6, 2021
I wonder what it must feel like for @brianstelter @CNN @MSNBC that @joerogan gets 20x+ the people that watch and listen to him then watch anything on #CNN. In fact more people by millions listen to 1 episode of #JRE then #CNN gets in an entire 24hrs of programming
— 𝕰𝖒𝕲 (@Emilio2763) December 7, 2021
people who are spoon fed by CNN, MSNBC, Wapo, NYT etc... think that Joe Rogan is alt-right dude. What Joe Rogan is, is open minded, inquisitive and not afraid to ask questions. This is the EXACT opposite of corporate media types who push the agenda they are told to push
— Imvin (@bombersfan) December 7, 2021
You’re kidding?
— ✭Fernando Uribe ✭ (@nofilteruribe) December 7, 2021
The garbage network of @CNN continues with their daily nonsense and I’m delighted to see @joerogan call them out for the frauds they are.
Of course their ratings are trash.
How can anyone seriously watch them?
This comes after Rogan locked horns with CNN over the network's controversial coverage of his use of ivermectin to treat Covid-19 after he was infected with the virus earlier this year. A number of CNN anchors pounced on the podcast host as soon as he revealed he was taking the doctor-prescribed treatment among others. They labeled the drug as a "horse dewormer" and a "livestock drug" instead of reporting on its human uses. Rogan invited CNN's chief medical correspondent, Dr. Sanjay Gupta to his podcast in October and forced him to admit that his colleagues should not have mischaracterized the use of ivermectin.
Joe Rogan asks Sanjay Gupta if it bothers him that CNN outright lied about Rogan taking horse dewormer to recover from covid. This is fantastic:
— Clay Travis (@ClayTravis) October 14, 2021
CNN, however, doubled down on its coverage of Rogan. "The only thing CNN did wrong here was bruise the ego of a popular podcaster who pushed dangerous conspiracy theories and risked the lives of millions of people in doing so," the network said in a statement.