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Jill Biden would ‘love’ Michelle Obama as Joe’s running mate but says former First Lady isn’t interested

While Michelle would be a very popular choice, the former first lady has repeatedly ruled out a return to the political arena
UPDATED APR 24, 2020
(Getty Images)
(Getty Images)

Former second lady Dr. Jill Biden has said that she would "love it" if her husband picked Michelle Obama as his running mate in the upcoming presidential elections.

Biden has all but been confirmed as the Democratic Party's nominee for the presidency after Bernie Sanders dropped out of the primaries earlier this month, though the former vice president is yet to announce his running mate.

Speaking on CNN's "New Day" on Friday, April 24, Jill said she was supportive of the idea of her husband running with Michelle on his ticket while admitting the chances of the same were slim.

"You know, I'd love it if Michelle would agree to it but I think she's had it with politics," she said. "She's so good at everything she does."

Jill conceded that, despite accepting that the former First Lady would not want to wade back into politics, the idea of her doing so was "wonderful."

If not Michelle, Jill said her husband would likely pick someone who he could relate to in the same way he could with former President Barack Obama. She said their shared values was the reason they "got along so well" and that he would likely select a "woman who has the same values that he does."

Biden had only recently reiterated his desire to have Michelle running by his side in the November elections and said he would "take her in a heartbeat" if she did decide to throw her hat in the ring.

"I’d take her in a heartbeat. She’s brilliant. She knows the way around. She is a really fine woman," he had said.

A poll conducted by Stanford’s Hoover Institution that questioned 1,507 registered voters in California found that she would be a popular choice for the position, with 31 percent backing the former First Lady. 

Experts have similarly said her involvement could boost Biden's chances of denying Donald Trump a second term. "Michelle Obama has shown no interest in elective office but she would be a very effective choice if she were willing," Dr. Stephen J Farnsworth, Professor of Political Science, University of Mary Washington told MEA Worldwide. "She was very popular with the public and was an effective campaigner on behalf of her husband."

Indeed, Michelle has repeatedly ruled out the possibility that she would find herself back in the Oval Office again.

"There's zero chance," she said in an interview last year when asked if she would consider inserting herself in the presidential race. "There are so many ways to improve this country and build a better world, and I keep doing plenty of them, from working with young people to helping families lead healthier lives."

"But sitting behind the desk in the Oval Office will never be one of them. It’s just not for me."

She had echoed a similar sentiment during an appearance on 'Jimmy Kimmel Live,' and insisted it was a role she was not interested in holding. "I haven’t had any serious conversations with anyone about it because it’s not something that I’m interested in or would ever do. Ever," she told Kimmel.