Massive tsunami strikes Indonesia without any warning leaving 222 dead and nearly 900 injured

A volcano-triggered tsunami has hit the coast on Indonesia's Sunda Strait to the Indian Ocean, killing at least 222 people and injuring nearly 900. The islands of Java and Sumatra situated on either side of the Strait are the worst hit, in the calamity possibly caused by the undersea landslides which were, according to BBC, triggered by the eruption of Krakatoa volcano.
The Washington Post, however, reports that Krakatoa has been erupting since June and it could not have triggered the tsunami, and that the cause still remains unclear. “My suspicion is that there was a landslide under the sea. Perhaps a trench crumbled,” The media house quotes Igan Sutawijaya, a volcano and geological disaster expert, as saying. “It doesn’t make sense that it was caused by the eruption of the Krakatoa.”