'Indian Matchmaking' Season 2: Is Aparna dating? Here's what went down between her and Daman

New York: If you've been keeping up with 'Indian Matchmaking' and are all set to binge your way through Season 2, get ready to meet some new faces and catch up with some familiar cast members while you're at it. Sima Taparia is back at it, claiming to do what she does best -- helping desi people find love. And while Season 1 did have us questioning her success rate, no one had more doubts than Aparna Shewakramani, Sima's client.
Aparna's checklist back in Season 1 seemed to be longer than ever. But Season 2 has her turning over a new leaf -- well, sort of. Aparna noted that while she always had her life planned out, she'd come to accept that the life she had charted might not be one in store for her. Moreover, she found herself now in a position where she was not just waiting for life to happen to her but was taking charge of it herself. This came in the form of a big move, as she took herself right out of her comfort zone, opting to move from Houston to New York.
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And while that was plenty of change within itself, she also was determined to keep a more open mind towards other areas in life, including her love life. But it looks like Aparna was more than ready to retire Sima Aunty services, noting that taking on Sima Aunty's help meant that you get in a relationship with her and that was something she wasn't quite equipped for, implying that Sima was a bit of an acquired taste.
But, her experience working with Sima can't be counted as all bad, seeing that she walked away from it with a good friendship as she and Jay are closer than ever. Although they don't have a romantic relationship, they did connect quite a bit over her move to New York, with Jay's cousin even helping her find an apartment. Aparna hasn't been all that unlucky in love, seeing that this season, she did connect with Daman, who is from LA. While the back and forth travel seemed to be an issue, it looked like Aparna was putting in some effort as opposed to before, even though Daman did feel like he was the more active participant in their relationship. Later, when she met with her mother, she noted that maybe her move to New York might have not been a good idea, as it wasn't as fulfilling as her life back in Houston. She even questioned if she picked this life for herself, seeing that her friends all had families and kids and while she didn't. And while she was apprehensive about the future, her mother was quick to reassure her that she would find her way through.
Is Aparna dating?
For now, it looks like Aparna is still single, as per her Instagram. But she did put up a post with an excerpt from her book, 'She’s Unlikeable: And Other Lies that Bring Women Down', where she spoke about her quest to find love and her tryst with reality TV. The excerpt, which is from her acknowledgement section reads -- ”And to everyone who ever hated, despised, or detested me due to my portrayal on a television show. Thank you. You are the very reason I continue to speak up for ambitious, driven women who want love but aren’t willing to settle for anything less than the partner they believe they deserve. You are the reason I live my truth every single day.”
Here's hoping Aparna finds what she's looking for! 'Indian Matchmaking' Season 2 is available for streaming on Netflix.