Kaylee Goncalves’ dad Steve wants cops to look for ‘sadistic male’ as daughter's gruesome injuries revealed

This article is based on sources and MEAWW cannot verify this information independently.
MOSCOW, IDAHO: The father of one of the four slain University of Idaho students has revealed a gruesome new detail about the victims’ fatal stab wounds claiming that the students were not stabbed but torn open, according to a report.
Fox News Digital reported that Kaylee Goncalves's father said the victims had "big open gouges". The report also claimed that he called the police "cowards" for not sharing any information with the public. However, Kaylee's sister Alivea Goncalves revealed that the Fox reporter got it wrong. "Hi, Steve's daughter, Kaylee's sister here. I hate to make the post but unfortunately, this reporter got bad information. We are also working with the lawyer to get this removed but wanted to let you know from the source: this information was not given to anyone at Fox from our family," said Alivea.

Fox reported that Steve recounted a conversation where he asked Latah County Coroner Cathy Mabbutt how many times the students were stabbed. "She says, sir, I don't think stabs is the right word, it was like tears, like this was a strong weapon, not like a stab," the news outlet quoted Steve as saying. "She said these were big open gouges. She said it was quick. These weren't something where you were going to be able to call 911. They were not going to slowly bleed out."
It has been four weeks since the November 13 slayings of Kaylee Goncalves, 21, her best friend Madison Mogen, 21, Xana Kernodle, 20, and her boyfriend, Ethan Chapin, 20, in the early morning hours at a rental home near campus took place. While the Moscow police are working with the FBI and State Idaho Police, they are yet to publicly name a suspect or recover the fixed-blade knife that was used in the horrifying attack.

Goncalves further stated that his daughter Kaylee's wounds do not match her best friend Mogen's injuries. "They may have individually died from the exact same thing, being stabbed, but there are more details," he added. "They're not even close to matching. The knife slashed open Kaylee Goncalves' liver and lungs," he said. The grieving dad paid for a copy of his daughter's death certificate, which included some of the details of her injuries but he is still unsure whether his daughter or Mogen were the targets. "I have my own suspicions," he said.

Goncalves is also not convinced by the coroner’s words stating that the victims did not suffer and died quickly. Kernodle, who had defensive wounds, and Chapin were found on the second floor of the slaughterhouse. "It was a hell of a battle going on down there from what the coroner told us," Goncalves said.

"I got outraged by them not just coming out and saying this was a woman or a man because they should know by the amount of strength it took to deliver the injuries," Fox quoted Steve as saying. "They're just being cowards. There are girls walking around the street right now that deserve to know. They should be looking out for a sadistic male."
Robbie Johnson, public information officer for the Moscow Police Department stated that the police will not release specific details of the crime. "It is what we must do to preserve the integrity of the investigation. We want more than an arrest. We want justice. It takes time to do it right."