'I Am Jazz': Jazz organizes a drag show to raise money for Noelle and Sander gives it his best shot

Jazz Jennings is always ready to help her friends and it wasn't a surprise when Jazz suggested that she would help her friend Noelle Jaclyn to raise money for her gender confirmation surgery. However, she was aware that it was a lot of money and needed some heavy donation if she wanted to help her friend.
Luckily, she had a plan in mind and it was to organize a drag show. Jazz thought that a drag show would allow her to generate enough money that would help Noelle with her surgery and to make this happen, she asked her friends and family members to take part. Unfortunately, her brother, Grifin Jennings and father Greg Jennings did not seem happy about participating but agreed to be there for full support.
Meanwhile, Jazz's other brother, Sander Jennings, was all on board. He along with her grandpa Jack were a real sport. The two seemed happy to be part of something that they had never done before and decided to dress in drag and put on a good show.
On the day of the show, both of them were prepared to walk down the ramp. Of the two of them, Sander was the most excited and even tried to calm himself down. He wanted to make sure that no one was disappointed and decided to be the entertainment for the night as well.
It was finally time for the two of them to walk down the ramp. Grandpa Jack was the first one to walk down the ramp. He wore a red dress and walked down the ramp accompanied by his wife. He struck some poses and impressed everyone with how good he looked. Undoubtedly, he managed to get some good tips on drag.
Next up was Sander. Sander was waiting for the moment to walk down the ramp and show people his moves. He arrived on the stage with confidence and had the crowd cheering for him immediately. His family was surprised by how good and energetic he was on stage. Undoubtedly, he was the star of the evening.
'I Am Jazz' airs on Tuesdays at 9 pm ET on TLC.