Together till the end! 100-yr-old couple Hubert and June Malicote married for 79 years die 20 hours apart

HAMILTON, OHIO: An 100-year-old couple's love story came to an end last week after being together for nearly eight decades. Hubert and June Malicote died just hours apart from one another, after 79 years of marriage, according to their son, Sam, 76.
Sam said his mother fell gravely ill the day after Thanksgiving, and was put on end-of-life care at Hospice of Hamilton in Ohio, reported Dayton Daily. After seeing his wife's health deteriorate, Hubert could not bare it and soon "broke down" and was admitted to the same care center. "He fell apart, really," said their son, Sam. The couple shared the same room at the hospice center, where they both reportedly lay unconscious for five days. On November 30, around 9 pm Hubert died in his sleep. Sam said his father's cause of death was a "broken heart." 20 hours later, around 6 pm, December 1 June also died.

(Malicote family/WLTV YouTube screengrab)
Their grieving son said, "They went out together." "I feel sad, but I shouldn’t. Who can expect to live a life like that?" "They lived a long, happy life together and they were devoted to God and the family," he remarked. The pair grew up in Kentucky and first met in 1941 at a church service, a year later they tied the knot when they were both just 20. "When I saw her, I said she’ll be a good one," Hubert who was home on leave from US Navy previously told CBS affiliate Local 12. After the war, the couple settled in Hamilton, Ohio together.

20 hours late around 6 pm, December 1 June also died (Photo courtesy Malicote Family)
They welcomed three children over the years, who went on to give them seven grandchildren and 11 great-grandchildren. June opted to be a stay-at-home mom, something Hubert said she was 'terrific' at. Earlier in June, the pair celebrated their 79th wedding anniversary and shared some valuable secrets of their long-lasting love, claiming they made a mission to never get into a serious argument. "We didn’t go through life without problems, but we would never do anything to hurt each other," reported the outlet. "We haven't had one quarrel," Hubert added, "You never want to hurt the one you love. Put them first, above your own feelings. If you have difficulties, work them out. I would say don't go to bed mad." Their daughter, Jo, said that her parents are "so happy to see each other" every morning and that they always "greet each other with huge smiles."