‘How To Get Away With Murder’ Season 6 Episode 4’s ending leaves fans upset over Frank's 'probable death'

When episode four of ABC's hit legal series ended, it left fans severely upset to find Frank Delfino drop dead at Bonnie’s door. Last week, we saw Frank succeed in finding Laurel’s "hideout" or so it seemed until he was face to face with Xavier, her brother.
Although we had expected some showdown between the two men, fans had not even remotely anticipated that a character as invincible as Frank Delfino could just die so easily.
Throughout the show, from season one till the present episode, Frank has been the phoenix who has always managed to rise from the ashes. No matter how sticky or tough the situation is, he never seems to break, except for that one time, when he was lost and confused and sought help from Bonnie.
In other words, Frank is someone who fixes everyone's problems, no matter how ugly or dirty they are, to the extent, you feel that he has no conscience of any sort.
But we have seen glimpses of his emotional side, which remains hidden under his violent streak. So, when a character like that is killed, it is bound to raise the heat with fans and make them disturbed and uncomfortable at the way the story is moving.

Taking to Twitter, we found a lot of debates, discussions, and speculations among fans going down, where they have all wondered what they think has probably happened with Frank.
The scenes do not reveal if he is dead or not, but some fans already believe that he is dead and they are seriously lamenting their favorite character's unexpected demise.
One user is clearly worried, "We didn't forget, what happened to FRANK ???? #HTGAWM". Other fans also talked about the turn of events to connect it back to Laurel and how she could be at the crux of all things going south in people's lives.
As one user commented, "If Frank dies, it's Laure's fault. It's her fault Wes is dead, and it's her fault Frank got hurt. #HTGAWM."
Some, however, refused to believe that Frank is dead, but we guess we will never know until the next episode. Until then, all fans of Frank Delfino would have to hold onto their breath and hope that their beloved character will rise from the ashes, just as he has before.
'How to Get Away with Murder' Season 6 airs on Thursdays at 10 pm only on ABC.