'How To Get Away With Murder' Season 6 Episode 6 sees Michaela and Asher kiss and fans are rooting for them to get back together

The way Michaela Pratt's character had shaped up across the last five seasons, we weren't surprised when Michaela and Asher broke up.
Despite the fact that she cheated on him, it was more about her being a highly ambitious woman who can let go of anything or anyone that comes in her way of ambitions — even if it means breaking the heart of someone who really cared about her.
By season five, it was clear that Michaela never took Asher seriously and somehow, after a few initial hiccups, they managed to remain friends. Gradually, she had reached a place where they could call each other "very good friends" who know and understand each other, their history notwithstanding.
But what happened in Episode 6 of Season 6 was something we had remotely not anticipated and took the fans (and even us) by surprise with their sudden rendezvous.
One fan shared that he is head over heels over his favorite couple, "MICHAELA AND ASHER ARE FINALLY BACK TOGETHER. MY BABIES #MICASHER #MASHER #OTP #HTGAWM"
It has been evident for a while that Asher is trying hard to get into the good books of Michaela and support her in everything, despite the fact that they had broken up. And he even admits that he is still in love with her.
Even Michaela softens up over time (particularly this season) towards Asher and supports him when he is confronted by his sister.
When Asher is disappointed after his family dinner with his mentally unstable mother and sister, he comes back to Michaela and tells her that she is more family to him than anyone else has been and that, "her one" is not Gabriel, but him.
This creates a very sensitive environment between the two and even Michaela feels the same way. Their emotions sync and they end up kissing each other. That becomes the turning point for MASHER and fans cannot stop rooting for a reunion soon.
Another fan tweeted, "AHHH ASHER AND MICHAELA ARE BACK TOGETHER!! Finally!! I've been waiting forever for this!!! oh no... Asher what happened honey?!...Can’t wait for next week's episode!!! #HTGAWM" while another fan cheered, "micasher stans rise!! #htgawm."
Overall, people think that Michaela and Gabriel might look great together, but she and Asher have a special connection and it's only fair for them to get back together.
However, if fans' demands are met and Asher and Michaela get back together, what will the be cost each of them would have to pay? Or will Michaela once again use Asher to fulfill her pride?
'How To Get Away With Murder' airs on ABC, every Thursday at 9 pm/ 8c.