'Hanna' Season 2 Ending Explained: With traps set all around her, Hanna needs Season 3 to destroy The Pioneer

Hanna really is impressive. Not only has she managed to get away from UTRAX multiple times, but she has also managed to thwart John Carmichael's plans at destroying any evidence that would prove that UTRAX is not really working for the country but for vested interests of a well-connected group known as The Pioneer. In the last episode of 'Hanna' season 2, we see how Hanna, Clara, and Marissa work towards getting their hands on the UTRAX target list with Robert Gelder; however, there are multiple traps that have been set around Hanna and Marissa of which the two are unaware of.
In navigating these traps, Hanna does manage to access the list with Robert, but she had to leave Clara and Catherine behind at their hiding spot to do so. Clara also doesn't have a gun to defend herself in case UTRAX found her. However, the two young women are trained to deal with exactly these situations. So they manage to keep Catherine safe and get the target list as well.

Turns out, it was none other than Carmichael who had leaked the target list to Robert in the first place. One night, when he was drunk he revealed the list of targets -- all under the age of 30 years -- and claimed that UTRAX was taking steps to control the future. Why? Because he feels that the young are beautiful but are dangerous for what they may manage to become in the future. It is their potential that the UTRAX is targeting. Carmichael is a true believer of The Pioneer's values and has been working with them for a while. So if it was revealed that he was the one to have leaked classified information -- even unintentionally -- he would be taken out.
So Marissa manages to negotiate a deal with Carmichael that lets her take control over UTRAX again. She also tells him that he will continue to work with her in bringing down The Pioneer by hoodwinking his bosses. In the meanwhile, she also gets a safe passage for Hanna back into the training program as Mia Wolf. Hanna was trained to fight the corrupt UTRAX operation run by Carmichael, and by going against The Pioneer, she would be doing exactly what her father Erik had trained her to do.

So when Marissa succeeds in negotiations, she manages to bring Hanna back into the fold, but Clara doesn't return. After learning the truth about her mother being alive in Egypt, she had written to her and had been waiting for a response from her ever since. While she kept Catherine safe, she managed to check back and found a response from her mother who wanted to meet her and was ready to welcome her with open arms.
She makes plans to meet with her birth mother in Morocco after she successfully sends Catherine off to safety. Thankfully, Hanna had held on to Clara's alias passport all this while and that helps her get away from UTRAX and the Meadows. Terri Miller, the operative who had helped Clara adapt in the beginning, helps her make a clean break by deleting any trace of Clara's plans remotely. It is a happy ending for Clara who manages to reunite with her mother, but Hanna has to move on again.
She has lost a close friend. Yes, it was for Clara's safety that she had sent her on her way, but that is still a loss. However, she has no time to grieve. It is time for Hanna to do what she was trained to - fight corruption under the radar agency that takes on shady instructions from a group of extremists. This also serves as a great opening for an all-new season of 'Hanna'.
'Hanna' season 2 premiered on July 3 and all episodes can be streamed on Amazon Prime Video.