'Greenleaf' Season 5 Episode 2: Charity and Kerissa annoy the family, viewers tell them to 'grow up and STHU'

Spoilers for Season 5 Episode 2: 'The Second Day'
The beauty of OWN's megachurch drama 'Greenleaf' is how fans get ample opportunity to dish on characters they love to hate. Pretty much every episode shows these characters not necessarily do something criminal, but their twisted, or even dumb ways get them on the most hated list for the week, and the reigning queens on that department are Charity (Deborah Joy Winans) and Kerissa Greenleaf (Kim Hawthorne.)
There's something about the tragic, sad arc for the youngest Greenleaf sibling and something very conniving about the wife of one of their own. Episode 2 of Season 5 titled 'The Second Day' only further enunciates the same. This week on 'Greenleaf' we see Charity first snap at Judee for taking her place — both at work and in Phil's life, only to be shaded back for her desperation.
Her suffering is sad, but hilarious at the same time purely because of how Judee snubs her. And later when she comes looking for her family's sympathies, she barely gets any because, well, she did ditch them in the past, all for a man, who was now marrying another woman to excel at work. Then Charity did the unthinkable and decided to give Grace a heartfelt poem that she found solace in after losing her child Eden.
Considering Grace is coping under the trauma of her son's suicide attempt, she blew up at her little sis and accused her of once again making things about her, and fans agree. Charity can be really insufferable at times. Taking it to Twitter, a fan wrote: "Is it bad that I get happy watching charity get treated like shit?" Another noted: "Now Charity they already just tolerated you in the family but you got all uppity & thought you were going to have big fun with Phil & be somebody! Girl! STHU!"
A third fan quipped: "Charity is out here handing a poem when she needs to be handing a resignation." Some fans even claimed " Charity, grow up and quit playing victim. We're over you, ma'am!!!" As for others, her apology was far from even worth considering, and they believe her mother "Lady Mae talks to Charity like she's a Jehovah's Witness."
But Charity wasn't the only one fans were sick and tired of. As expressed by a user, "Charity and Karissa just tapdance on my LAST nerve." Another chimed in saying: "Karissa is another one I’d love to choke." With Kerissa using her and Jacob's children as a pawn in their divorce and the helty alimony and support she demands from him, fans are pretty sick of her mind games and twisted behaviour.
"Karissa really thinks that will is her ticket to the good life looool all Jacob has to do is hide or destroy it," wrote a fan about Kerissa's leverage over the Greenleaf sibling. She's had used this very will to gain primary custody of their son and is now using it to twist the narrative for their kids and make Jacob the villain in their eyes. "It's time to kill Karissa..Clarissa..whateva that heffa name is. She gotta die," claimed a fan. Their favourite part? Jacob accusing her of "passing out wills and Chlamydia."
'Greenleaf' Season 5 airs on Tuesdays at 9 pm on OWN.