'Good Girls' Season 4 Episode 9: What is Beth's suicide mission? Here's how Agent Phoebe and Rio are involved

In the last episode of 'Good Girls', we saw that Beth (Christina Hendricks) tipped off the FBI and the police that she would be handing over the laudered money to Rio (Manny Montana). Rio was arrested for what felt like a minute and then thanks to his councilman cousin Mick (Carlos Aviles), he was out again and he wasted no time in asking Beth to run a "small errand" for him. Beth complied, perhaps because she's grateful that in spite of framing Rio he is letting her and her children live.
The "small errand", however, is getting back the laundered money from Agent Phoebe (Lauren Lapkus), who has it with her as part of the evidence in the case against Rio. Like Ruby (Retta) says, this isn't a small errand, it's kamikaze. Annie (Mae Whitman) then rather hilariously says it's like a suicide mission. To which, Ruby, with one of her classic eye rolls, says that's what kamikaze means.
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But if anyone can go into a suicide mission with confidence it's Beth. Beth shows up at Agent Phoebe's room with some juice and something stronger as well, to supposedly make up for the time when she avoided grabbing a juice with Agent Phoebe.
While Phoebe is initially standoffish, she can't help but let down her guard with Beth as they swap stories about their high school experiences. When Phoebe heads for a bathroom break, Beth does a quick sweep of the room and finds the laundered money which she tosses out of the window and almost onto Annie and Ruby's heads. When Phoebe comes out of the bathroom, she is completely unaware of what just transpired. But sooner or later, Agent Phoebe is bound to notice that a crucial piece of evidence is missing from her room on a day when Beth came to visit her.
What will lie in store for Beth once that discovery is made? Well, considering this is the spring finale of Season 4, fans will have to wait till Season 5 to find out.