'Good Girls' Season 4 Episode 5: Does Beth stripping naked in front of Rio create an impact she hoped for?

In the last episode of 'Good Girls', we saw the FBI make a deal with a Beth (Christina Hendricks). They would offer her a chance at a new life if she could get the information on Rio (Manny Montana) and where the money she launders for him goes. The latest episode takes off on this premise. The episode begins with Beth and FBI agents Dave (Jonathan Silverman) and Phoebe (Lauren Lapkus) taking the operation further, by bugging Beth who is supposed to meet Rio for a drop-off. However, at the last minute Rio doesn’t turn up and it seems that he is onto Beth.
To make matters worse the FBI agents tell Beth the deal they offered her only works when they get the information they need. It's confirmed that Rio is indeed onto Beth when Rio lands up in Beth’s house and makes it amply clear that he knows he is being tracked. He then starts to unbutton Beth’s shirt to see if she is wired, Beth in an attempt to assuage Rio then strips naked, to show him that she is not hiding anything. It might seem extreme, but we're sure neither Rio nor Hendricks fans are complaining. Rio, in spite, of Beth stripping down, still doesn’t seem utterly convinced that Beth is trustworthy and asks her to watch her back.
You'd think that after being suspicious of Beth, Rio would give Beth less responsibility. But it's exactly the opposite that happens. As part of what seems like Rio's 'Keep your Enemies' close philosophy, Rio continues to literally bank on Beth, as he puts her to work in the capacity of ‘The Banker’. This essentially means Beth has to make the rounds on behalf of Rio, collecting 'protection money' from various business owners. Beth is initially apprehensive about attracting more attention when the FBI is already watching her so closely. But as has been the case ever since we have known her, Beth begins to thrive on the fear she elicits, when she says she's 'The Banker'.
However, Beth finally comes across one person who refuses to fear her. Who is the person who stands up to Beth 'The Banker'? And will Beth's new role for Rio attract unwanted attention she doesn't need at this point?
To find out more you can catch the latest episodes of 'Good Girls' at 10/9c on NBC.