'Good Girls' Season 4 Episode 5: Who is Rio's boss and how does he help Dean get out of jail?

At the end of episode 5, we see Beth (Christina Hendricks) sitting nervously in a diner waiting for Rio (Manny Montana), after a day of playing the role of 'The Banker' for him - a job that requires her shaking down various 'customers' of Rio for the 'protection money' they have to pay him every month. We also notice that Beth is not alone in the diner. FBI agents Phoebe Donnegan (Lauren Lapkus) and Dave (Jonathan Silverman) are also present and trying to keep a low profile. We then understand that they are trying to get some intel once again on Rio, but will they be lucky the second time around?
Rio then suddenly creeps up on Beth, as he is known to do and startles her out of her reveries. He asks her if she has something to tell him. Beth hesitates, wondering what Rio means, while looking furtively at the FBI agents. She tries to signal to them that Rio may be onto them and successfully manages to get the message across.
‘Good Girls’ Season 4 Episode 3: What is Beth’s traumatic past that makes Dean want to protect her?
Beth then realizes that when Rio is asking her if she wants to tell him something, he's referring to her job as 'The Banker'. Rio tells her that the books aren't balancing. Beth then calmly explains that it's because one of his 'customers' needed extra persuading, but now has paid for this month and the next. Rio says he's glad it didn't get messy. Beth says she's glad it's over, under the impression that her job as 'The Banker' was a one off.
Rio however makes it clear that they are just getting started. When Beth incredulously asks why, Rio says it's because he has to sit tight. Beth goes to question why she has been chosen for the job. Rio tongue firmly in cheek says because 'You're my girl, unless you're not'.
Beth says it feels risky to be shaking people down when people could still be watching Beth and Rio. He says even if people are watching, all they will see is Beth not him. It seems that Rio has got the better of Beth with his plan to get her doing his dirty work, but Beth seems to have the last laugh.
At the end of the episode, we see Dean (Matthew Lillard) being released from prison and asking Beth how she did it. It seems that Beth finally managed to get some useful information from Rio at the diner. When Beth asks Rio that instead of shaking people down for money, why can't both of them just lie low, Rio says that's because there is no choice. He has people he answers to as well, and they are going to want to meet Beth. Beth waits until he is gone to tell the FBI agents that Rio has a boss. It's information that's enough to help at least one part of Beth's deal with the FBI go through, with Dean being released. But what will it take for Beth to finally get the whole witness protection deal and the new life she dreams of?
To find out more about who is Rio's boss and how Beth will handle the big boss, you can catch new episodes of 'Good Girls' on Sundays 10/9c on NBC. Catch the trailer below.