'Good Girls' Season 3 Episode 6 Preview: Will Rio really kill Beth, Ruby and Annie?
Rio has already asserted how he wouldn't stop at anything or anyone when it comes to acquiring whatever he wants by taking out Lucy. In the aftermath of that, we saw a visibly shaken Beth, Ruby and Annie return to their homes after just watching Lucy die.
While Lucy's boyfriend Max did reach out to Beth the next day about her whereabouts as she never came home that night, Beth tries to play it off saying maybe she stayed at a friend's place.
It is only when Max tells her that Lucy didn't really have any friends other than Beth, that we assumed realization finally hit her. How far does her body count have to spike for Beth to put a stop to this?
However, that was just for us because clearly, it takes a lot more than just watching an innocent soul die for Beth to realize the dangers Rio is posing. It is not until she sees with her very own eyes what he has planned for her that Beth realizes it's time to pack the bags and run for dear life.
In a newly released promo for the upcoming Episode 6 of Season 3 titled 'Frere Jacques', we see Beth, Ruby and Annie sitting in a car parked in a dark, deserted place. Ruby addresses the obvious, saying how the whole place is perfect to kill a bunch of suckers considering how dark and extremely quiet it is.
To that Beth very reassuringly says Rio is not going to kill them and right then Rio's man with the tatted face appears with a shovel — making it very, very clear that killing them is exactly what Rio plans on doing next.
Or so Beth realizes, as she tells Ruby she has seen enough to convince her of his plans and Annie asserts them to just drive away.
However, all of this could just be one of Rio's very elaborate plans of engaging the ladies in some payback, by making them dig graves for their own selves or bodies of the people who have died in their shady pursuit for money.
Whatever it is, it doesn't look favorable at all for the golden trio. And with Annie's issues with promiscuity and unavailable men and Ruby's marriage to Stan straining every moment, it's the holy trinity of crisis.
'Good Girls' Season 3 airs on Sundays at 10 pm on NBC.