Ghislaine Maxwell's jail cell was flooded with raw sewage, claims lawyer

Ghislaine Maxwell is having the most difficult time in prison. If the latest reports are anything to go by, Maxwell's time in jail has brought her more woe than anything else. Her lawyer now claims that the jail cell that Maxwell is in was flooded with raw sewage and that she had allegedly been denied water by jail guards.
According to a court filing written by her legal team on Tuesday, June 15, 2021, Maxwell was moved from the dirty cell following the discovery of the raw sewage but remains under hyper-surveillance at the Metropolitan Detention Center in Brooklyn. She is also being deprived of basic human necessities, her attorney Bobbi Sternheim wrote in the Tuesday night, June 15 court filing.
Pedophile Jeffrey Epstein was funded by ex-girlfriend Ghislaine Maxwell's tycoon father Robert
According to the latest reports, Sternheim described the corrections officers as having "uninhibited access to pry into Maxwell's confidential legal papers". In addition to that, they apparently also keep tabs on her privileged meetings with lawyers.
During a four-hour meeting on Sunday, June 13, 2021, Maxwell and her lawyers were not granted a request to have a drink of water. This is an issue that her attorney took notice of. The lawyer claims that there have been plenty of complaints about Maxwell's treatment but "little if anything has been done".
"The ever-changing rules are negatively impacting Ms. Maxwell's ability to prepare for trial," the letter reportedly reads. "The hyper-surveillance of Ms. Maxwell and counsel during legal visits is highly inappropriate and invasive."
The letter was reportedly filed to counter prosecutors who had previously stated that the jail guards can watch Maxwell's discussions with the lawyers, but not hear them. As per the latest reports, in this June 7, 2021, letter, prosecutors added that unlike any other inmate at the Brooklyn lockup, Maxwell is allotted more time to use a computer and review evidence, and an adequate amount of time to confer with her lawyers. They also added that Maxwell was "physically healthy".
The 59-year-old inmate is accused of grooming young girls for Jeffrey Epstein. In 2019, the 66-year-old was found dead in his Manhattan jail cell after being held on sex trafficking charges.
The office of US Attorney Audrey Strauss in Manhattan reportedly declined to comment on the attorney’s letter advocating for his client Ghislaine Maxwell. This is not the first time that Maxwell's legal team has commented on her treatment in prison. The letter from her lawyers alleging that Maxwell was denied water and had raw sewage in her quarters adds to the previously filed complaints.
These included being served "inedible food" microwaved without the plastic covering removed, having to undergo "multiple invasive searches", sleep deprivation and lack of privacy with her movements being recorded by "multiple video cameras". The water she was given was described as "cloudy and undrinkable".
In April 2021, her attorney David Oscar Markus reportedly compared Maxwell’s incarceration to that of Hannibal Lecter's — the fictional cannibalistic serial killer from 'The Silence of the Lambs'.
"Though she is a model prisoner who poses no danger to society and has done literally nothing to prompt 'special' treatment, she is kept in isolation - conditions fitting for Hannibal Lecter but not a 59-year-old woman who poses no threat to anyone," Markus said in the motion.