Geraldo Rivera calls Dan Bongino 'son of a b***h' on 'Hannity', Internet says it's a 'great wrestling promo'

Tensions were running high between radio host Dan Bongino and journalist Geraldo Rivera as the two got into a heated argument while discussing the police shooting of Daunte Wright in Minneapolis on Sean Hannity's Fox News show 'Hannity'. Bongino referred to Rivera's comments as 'dopey' and that his words would 'the country will burn to the ground'.
At this point, Rivera responded by calling the radio show host ' a son of a b***h' and that he was 'nothing but a punk' while Bongino insisted that the journalist was 'making a race war' out of it.
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“There’s a situation in this country now where, I swear to God, and I’m speaking with deep experience, too many black mothers are more fearful of the police that they are of crooks when their sons go out. A 20-year-old should not end up dead because of an expired registration,” Rivera said.
He went on to talk about how a lot of his friends are cops and that "he gets policing", seeing that some of his "best friends are cops". He also added that there is a “gulf between how a regular, white family reacts and how a Black family reacts.” Bongino was quick to point that just because Rivera is friends with police officers that doesn't mean he understands policing. He stated that he is entitled to an opinion even though he's not a police officer and that doesn't mean he can't comment on police issues and that he "hates when liberals say that".
Rivera assumed that Bongino was calling him a liberal in this scenario and was quick to cut him off, insisting that he should "stop minimizing his experience". A frustrated Bongino asked him to shut up, resulting in the entire conversation going downhill. Soon, neither Bongino nor Geraldo ended up making their case and then host Hannity finally had to step in while Geraldo was insisting, “I love cops! You try to make me the issue….” The host then said: “Stop, Geraldo… very single human life human life from God is important, let’s all agree on the basics here.”
Geraldo Rivera called Dan Bongino a "son of the bitch" tonight on Hannity after the conservative pundit claimed he "wanted to see the country burn."
— Phillip Nieto (@nieto_phillip) April 15, 2021
Viewers were tired of the duo's bickering
Many viewers seemed tired of the exchange between the two. "Sean Hannity having Geraldo Rivera and Dan Bongino on his show just to have them yell at each other is all for show and not proper way of an open dialogue. It’s f**king pathetic," tweeted a user.
"This is their new thing on FOX News. Same thing a couple of days ago, same actors. The viewers actual eat this up thinking Big Bad Bongino is beating up on a liberal. Seriously.. they think Geraldo ‘TЯ☭MP is my Bestie’ Rivera is a liberal. I do not have enough eye rolls," added another. "Sorry to say it BUT it's just not useful to have Dan Bongino and Geraldo Rivera on at the same time. Nothing but screaming back and forth EVERY time! Just not useful. Takes away from the show. I love to hear opposing opinions but don't have time for that ridiculousness," said a user.
"Hey Hannity stop inviting the despicable Geraldo Rivera to your show. It’s outrageous that he called Dan Bongino a Son of a B*tch and a Punk on Live TV. Seems this idiotic has a free pass from Fox News to do and said whatever he wants. #BoycottGeraldo," argued another.
"Geraldo Rivera to Dan Bongino: "YOU SON OF A BITCH!!#!$%" Dan Bongino calmly replies: "You wouldn't tell me that to my face." Me: [Yawn] #Hannity," tweeted another. "Witnessed a great wrestling promo tonight on fox.... incredible. Bongino v Rivera... steel cage match.. need it," joked another.
Sean Hannity having Geraldo Rivera and Dan Bongino on his show just to have them yell at each other is all for show and not proper way of an open dialogue. It’s fucking pathetic.
— tony (@tonyfrombr) April 15, 2021
This is their new thing on FOX News. Same thing a couple of days ago, same actors. The viewers actual eat this up thinking Big Bad Bongino is beating up on a liberal. Seriously.. they think Geraldo ‘TЯ☭MP is my Bestie’ Rivera is a liberal. I do not have enough eye rolls.
— Pu🧩🧩ler (@m7ckown) April 15, 2021
Sorry to say it BUT it's just not useful to have Dan Bongino and Geraldo Rivera on at the same time. Nothing but screaming back and forth EVERY time! Just not useful. Takes away from the show. I love to hear opposing opinions but don't have time for that ridiculousness.
— Dave Melillo (@dave_melillo) April 15, 2021
Hey Hannity stop inviting the despicable Geraldo Rivera to your show. It’s outrageous that he called Dan Bongino a Son of a Bitch and a Punk on Live TV. Seems this idiotic has a free pass from Fox News to do and said whatever he wants. #BoycottGeraldo
— Aaron Meier (@aaronmeier48) April 15, 2021
Geraldo Rivera to Dan Bongino: "YOU SON OF A BITCH!!#!$%"
— Mike (@1776Fightr) April 15, 2021
Dan Bongino calmly replies: "You wouldn't tell me that to my face."
Me: [Yawn]#Hannity
Witnessed a great wrestling promo tonight on fox.... incredible. Bongino v Rivera... steel cage match.. need it
— TJ Hubbard (@TJ_Hubbard) April 15, 2021