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George Floyd funeral: Who is the sign language interpreter? Internet calls her the star of the event

A sign language interpreter also stood in attendance for the hearing impaired and people were taken aback to see her enthusiasm
UPDATED MAY 20, 2021
Sign language interpreter at George Floyd funeral (ABC News)
Sign language interpreter at George Floyd funeral (ABC News)

George Floyd's death has sparked a nationwide movement against police brutality and systemic racism. Bidding their final goodbye, family members and friends came together to pay their respects to Floyd at his funeral service in his hometown of Houston. According to USA Today, almost 500 invited guests gathered at the Fountain of Praise church Tuesday for the funeral of Floyd and activist Rev Al Sharpton anchored a lineup of speakers including civil rights leaders, family members, and a video address from presumed Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden.

According to the same report, Biden asked, "Why, in this nation, do too many black Americans wake up knowing that they could lose their life in the course of just living their life?" He added, "Why does justice not roll like a river or righteousness like a mighty stream? Why?" Floyd was laid to rest Tuesday, June 9 alongside his mother at a cemetery in nearby Pearland. 

A sign language interpreter — identified as Gloria Alix who lives in Houston, Texas — also stood in attendance for the hearing impaired and people were taken aback to see her enthusiasm. It started with a tweet that read, "Can we take a moment and appreciate the sign language lady! #GeorgeFloydFuneral." The clip soon went viral with over 500 retweets and 3,900 likes. A close friend exclusively told MEA World Wide (MEAWW), "I believe she is due credit for her awesomeness. She has a wonderful soul she never charges for funeral or wedding that was her promise to herself when she started interpreting!"

Public funeral of George Floyd in Houston, Texas (Getty Images)

People couldn't stop talking about how "awesome" she was. "She’s been on her feet for what seems like hours signing speech and songs and she hasn’t missed a beat! Awesome work," one tweet read. "I just want to say the sign language interpreter at George Floyd's funeral is phenomenal!!!" one said and another posted, "Special shout out to the sign language lady at the #GeorgeFloyd funeral. She’s even signing the music AND the beat. #BlackLivesMatter," Another said, "I love the sign language interpreter at George Floyd’s funeral. She exudes the joy of the Lord."

Many agreed that she deserves the credit. "Indeed she deserves the credit. In South Africa we are known to give credit to the sign language interpreters, whenever they outdo themselves," one tweet read and another said, "Remarkable job. She was up there the WHOLE time." Another posted, "Listen! She deserves all the flowers." Too many people agreed with the point. "She did a phenomenal job!" one posted and another said, "Yes!!! Watching her worship was beautiful and moving, as was the whole 4 hour service."

A Twitter user wrote, "Can we give a shoutout to the sign language interpreter at George Floyd's celebration of life funeral service? Girl's been signing for about 3 hours dutifully and with passion." One went on to say, "Have been appreciating her, she is awesome and doing a magnificent job for George Floyd." Calling her a "star," one posted, "She is the star of this event...that is what you call ever woman...she went from singer to pastor to back up singer...I am very much enjoying her. That work is hard."