'Future Man' Season 3: Osama Bin Laden and 'The Hunger Games' references have fans in splits

Hulu's wacky show 'Future Man' came to an end after three seasons. The protagonists, Josh (Josh Hutcherson), Wolf and Tiger have been messing up timelines along the way as they try to rectify mistakes in history. However, they ended up creating unique and alternate timelines that spawned troubles of their own. The third season leaned heavily into sci-fi storytelling along with some trademark raunchy humor, and it also explored the emotional highs and lows of the characters. The craziness is unparalleled, as they meet Gandhi, Jesus and even Osama Bin Laden along the way. Yet, all's well that ends well, and after saving the universe from 'The Big Suck', the characters discover the positive changes in themselves.
Fans have a lot to say about the show. One fan couldn't believe that there was actually a character based on Osama Bin Laden in the show. "Are you kidding me???" They wrote with a still of the character looking like Bin Laden. "You guys. this show is bananapants bonkers," they added.
A fan quoted the show and wrote, "'This version of you tried to stop Bin Laden before 9/11, ended up giving him a time machine. Now time traveling Bin Laden is on you.' #Futureman Season Three slaps y'all."
"OSAMA BIN LADEN THIS FUCKING SHOW," wrote another fan. "Josh killed Bin Laden," a fan wrote.
'Future Man' is known for its bizarre and wacky quips. "Watching season 3 of #FutureMan right now. Wolf, right out of the gate. 'Do you know how many times we turned a death sentence into a life paragraph?' Holy s**t, this show is funny," a fan wrote.
In the first episode, Hutcherson plays a more miserable role of Peeta from his acclaimed 'The Hunger Games' franchise. "So excited #FutureMan Season 3 is on Hulu!! I love how Josh Hutcherson plays a more pathetic version of Peeta in the first episode thanks @Sethrogen for keeping me entertained for at least 2 days of quarantine."
All in all, fans called it an 'amazing' season. "#FutureMan they did it again amazing season," wrote a fan. "'BASED ON A TRUE STORY' and the credits. What a magical series, thank you everyone involved," tweeted another fan.
'Future Man' is streaming on Hulu.