Nostradamus' book sees surge in sales after eerie 'Queen Elizabeth II will die at the age of 96' prediction

LONDON, UK: Following the accurate prediction that “Queen Elizabeth will die, circa 2022, at the age of around 96,” the sales of the book ‘Nostradamus: The Complete Prophecies for the Future’ has gone up. The famous sixteenth-century French astrologer Michel de Nostredame, who originally wrote and published his prophecies in a book entitled 'Centuries' in 1555, predicted the Queen’s death more than 450 years ago.
Mario Reading’s ‘Nostradamus: The Complete Prophecies for the Future,’ released in 2005, is said to be the only Nostradamus book that deals exclusively with the French astrologer's future prophecies. It uses Mario’s theory that the quatrains written by Nostradamus are numbers indexed to correlate with dates, reports Wales Online. According to the reports by the DailyMail, a week prior to September 8 when Her Majesty died, the book sold five copies. But the week after that till September 17, a total of 8,000 copies got sold which moved the book to the top of the paperback charts.
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Mario’s interpretations of quatrains by Nostradamus
The book’s publisher Watkins claims that Mario’s interpretations of the quatrains by Nostradamus, correctly predicted the assassination of Benazir Bhutto in 2007 and the Credit Crunch in 2008, states Wales Online. Not just that, the book also predicted the war in Ukraine. It said, as quoted by DailyMail, "Blue-head shall white-head harm in such degree, as France's good to both e'er amount." While Nostradamus expert Bobby Shailer suggested that it could be referring to a third world war that could take place within the next few years.
Mario claimed that his book and Nostradamus predicted the Islamic terrorist attacks in Paris in 2015. He said, “There are a couple of quatrains that are really quite stunningly prescient and they were the ones I discussed at the time. I dated them, according to index dates, between two and three years out - but I think when I read them to you you’ll realise how specific they are." Mario also claimed the 10/22 Quatrain predicts that King Charles will abdicate because he is “weary at the persistent attacks on both himself and second wife” because of “resentments held against him by a certain proportion of the British population, following his divorce from Diana, Princess of Wales." The book mentions that it is Prince Harry who will become the next Monarch, instead of his brother William, who is the new Prince of Wales and the first in the line of succession.