‘Siren’ Season 3 Episode 4: Ryn’s baby is born but [spoiler] from the spirit realm tries to warn Helen

Spoilers for ‘Siren’ Season 3 Episode 4
Tia’s (Tiffany Lonsdale) advent has not only posed a threat to mankind but has also led to a reign of terror in the deep waters of the ocean. Ryn Fisher (Eline Powell), who until now was determined to take down Tia, divided between her love for humans and responsibilities towards fellow mermaids, finds her priorities changed as she learns about the existence of her baby.
Episode 4 of ‘Siren’ titled ‘Love and Death’ holds true to its title as the series once again witnesses bloodshed and multiple killings. While Tia works toward building an army within the limits of the water by getting rid of a few mermaids from different tribes and convincing the rest to join her war against humans, Ryn is beyond ecstatic to see her daughter being born.
Although ‘Life and Death’ saw many significant moments, it teases numerous possibilities by introducing a twist in a couple of prominent story arcs. For a long time now, Helen Hwakins (Rena Owen) has been trying to establish contact with the spirit world, which led to her meeting with Sarge (Hugo Ateo). However, in the previous episode, when she intoxicates herself with the magical herb to see experience a wholesome moment with her merman lover, she ends up seeing Ryn’s sister Dona in her hallucination.
What was Dona trying to tell Helen? While Sarged warned Helen about the forthcoming war using a symbolic gesture, Dona’s image vanishes into thin air, even before Helen could comprehend what she was trying to warn her about.
Perhaps, Dona from the spirit world was aware of Ryn’s baby and tried warning Helen against the dangers of introducing a pure-blood newborn into the world filled ruthless humans? Or it could also be that she was crying out to Helen for what happened to her own life, trying to watch out for her sister Ryn.
After seeing Tia persistently take down anybody that’s come in her way of seeking revenge against mankind and vigorously fight against Ryn, we could foresee what awaits Bristol Cov in the near future. And she has also now proved that her strength and intelligence stretch way beyond the capabilities of humans and merpeople. Also, nearly every soul Helen has encountered from the spirit world has tried warning her against something, which if not taken care of at the moment, could wreak havoc on their existence.
The increasing proximity to the spirits is indicative of the fact that they are pivotal to the upcoming war. We need to wait and watch if only the spirits can fight Tia when humans fail to tackle her.
‘Siren’ airs on Thursdays on Freeform.